~Part 6~

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I walked through the streets of hell, pushing past all of the citizens.

My heels clicked on the sidewalk, people getting physically annoyed started pushing back.

So I pushed them to the ground. That'll show em' who's boss in this.....city.

I ran a hand through my hair, contemplating what to do.

Do I go back to the hotel? Or do I just live on the streets from now on?

I took my better judgement and headed back towards the hotel. Granted, I didn't want to see them, but they were the ones who took me in.
My heels clicked the sidewalk courageously, my hips swinging ever so slightly. I took my cigarette I stole from some cheap bozo and threw it to the ground, stomping on it.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts, about how my father could still find me and possibly kill me more then I already am.

As I was coming in view of the hotel, some loud noises stopped me, I think they were...bombs? No matter, I started following them closely.

The sounds led me into an opening, which was filled with it seemed like egg men and pink smoke. I squinted my eyes and looked closer, my ears turning in that direction. As my eyes focused I saw a snake man and what looked like a retro cyclops fighting. I was watching them bicker for about 5 minutes until I felt something tug on my shirt. My reflexes kicked in and I whacked it away, shooing it. It worked until I felt another tug, I looked down and saw one of the egg boys. I chuckled squared down to his level.

"Hey there little fella! Anything I can do for ya?"

He contemplated telling me something, then looked behind me and then to my face again.

"Yes misses, I would like to encourage you to get out of here. Master would be mad if he found a demon was watching him and his crus-I mean rival."

I nodded my head, then thought of something.

"Okay little guy, would you like to come with me to my house so you could meet my friends?"

He giggled, then he quickly agreed and reached out his arms.

He expects me to pick him up?

I quickly picked him up and walked away from the battle scene. He was chatting my ear off the entire time, but I wasn't listening. Instead I was thinking about the hotel and what they would think when I came home with this....and my outfit.

I knew Angel would love it, no doubt. But the others? What would Vaggie think? Or Charlie? Or Husk-well he wouldn't care.

My cheeks became flushed as I remembered I had a date, or rather outing with Alastor today. After all, it was only 7:00 am. So I had a few hours left.

I finally got to the hotel doors with my new egg friend. I was reaching for the knob until I heard loud voices coming from the inside.



I opened the door to see Angel almost strangling Alastor who was sitting calmly on the chair. Angels head whipped around to me, whilst Alastor snapped his neck with an unsettling crack.

    Everything was quiet until Angel screeched and ran over to me, obsessing over the egg and the outfit.

    "Oh my god oh my god oh my- I love the outfit, and the egg, and the EVERYTHING!"

   We sat on the couch and started talking about what happened. When Angel was talking to me about his latest 'hit' I looked over at Alastor, his eyes were dull and lifeless as he stared blankly at me. His smile didn't waver at all. It was quite creepy actually. Him and I were staring until Angel snapped in my face.

"Hey hey hey over here Sandy Olsson. Your Danny sure ain't gunna be in hell. So anyways-"

(If you didn't get that I'm sorry just look up Sandy Olsson)

      He finished his story after another 10 minutes of him yapping on and on. Then I told him about the egg boy and what I should name him.

"I was thinking Geoffrey"

He snapped his fingers and looked at me.

"AND WE CAN PUT HIM IN DRAG! I'm going upstairs to work on him and you can chit chat with fuck face over there"

     Angel ran upstairs, that left me with the Radio Demon himself, Alastor. I walked over to him and sat down, he grinned almost sheepishly as he stood up.

"So Mrs. L/N, I do believe you owe me a date now, since you've gotten all dolled up for me."

   His grin widened and I crossed my legs, getting a cig from Angel's pack. He looked at me expectingly then gestured his hand out for me. I was hesitant but took it, the coldness of his hands locked in mine. We walked out and he opened the door for me.

Overdoing it a bit, but okay?

He chuckled darkly, his jaw clenched tightly.

"Oh my dear, I'm not overdoing anything"

   My face tinted crimson red as I remembered he could read minds. I fixed my jacket and my boots, wanting to look nice for the people in the outside. I don't think Alastor could give less of a flying fuck though. People would cower before him, at least it'd give me a good rep!

We started walking around the city, my hair wavering slightly at the slow warm breeze. I felt a squeeze on my hand and looked down, Alastor's hand still in mine. I chuckled and turned my head forward, looking into the pentagon engraved sun.

I felt a bump in my shoulder as some jackass just ran into me. He looked thin, pale, and jacked. He had bright green hair that was tied up in a man bun, it falling out slightly. His eyes were dull, gray, and pissed off at what I just did. He turned to face me, that's when I realized the size comparison. This...he looked to be a fish bird hybrid? Turned around and pushed me back into alastor, the man was about 6'6", but Alastor was about 6'9".
(It's a joke y'all, calm the fuck down in the comments please. I know how tall he is don't worry😂)

Alastor's grip went to my arm, pulling me behind him. I peeked out behind Alastor's back and listened to their conversation.

"You need to watch where your going pal!"

"Oh I don't, sorry. You ran into my acquaintance, which was your fault, sir."

I flinched as Alastor rubbed my hand.

"You wanna fight, punk?"

The Demon Where Your Heart Should Be - Alastor x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now