~ Part 15~

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      My inner mind was racing...I slowly walked to the left , but against my better judgement, chose right.

   I took the dog and walked to the right, every step I took the harps played louder and louder. In the distance I could hear faint drops of water, and growls of odd animals. After walking for a few minutes, I eventually came to a corner, I turned it and entered a huge looking 18th century room.

     The harps was playing over speakers, quite loudly. The eerie echo of the music bounced throughout the walls, causing chills to run down my spine. In the middle of the room were two oddly placed chains, one chain leading to a dark corner, the other had nothing attached.

I walked into the middle of the room, spinning slightly, and taking in my surroundings. My ears heard a light shackle in the corner of the room, my tail perked up and I spun around, shielding the dog. My eyes adjusted to the light, and I saw a large man huddled in the corner, facing the wall. He had a big chain around his neck, (kinky) and a big ripped shirt, it cutting off at his defined torso. He turned to face me, his eyes seemed like they told a thousand stories, all ending horribly. In someway felt bad for this stranger, but I can't let my guard down again. The stranger turned fully around, some of his hair covering one of his dull green eyes.

  "You shouldn't be here"


I jumped back, startling the dog and he growled lowly, hair sticking up. I shushed him in fear of Rosie the riveter or whatever the fuck her name is hearing. I honestly couldn't care about Alastor anymore, I mean it was just fake love right? Anyways, back to this shit show.

    I composed myself and stalked closer to the corner, my chest puffing out and my heart racing.

"And why shouldn't I be?"

He winced at my voice, as if he had been a lost puppy, kicked around by people.

  He stood up slowly, his chain hitting the floor just right, and even in the dim light I saw huge
bruises and dried blood all over his arms and legs.

  The man limped over to me, I saw his pain in his face, he didn't dare show it. That's when I realized his chain wasn't actually attached, it was broken. On that note, I almost shit my pants. He finally got over to me, about 3 feet taller. He spoke lowly,

"Because the mistress doesn't allow visitors in the chambers"

Hol the fuck up, mistress? Chambers?
Hotel? Trivago? This is a huge ass mess.

As I was clearly trying to piece together the pieces, he grabbed my arm roughly and threw me over his shoulder. The poor tiny puppy tried to bite at his feet to defend me, but the man kicked him to the side.

  I kept attacking his back, clawing and scratching at him viciously, but he didn't budge. After what felt like hours, the dog still following from behind, he walked into a room, the blinding white light making me squint.

  He set me down on a table and strapped me to it, despite my fighting and kicking his crotch a few times.

  He went through a cabinet, and pulled out a long needle filled with black liquid. The dog was clawing at him, limping because of how the man basically abused him.

He slowly came towards me, flicking the top of the needle and pointing it towards my arm. The needle was almost breaking my skin, when a loud screech made him jolt, dropping the needle and making it break.

"Oh great just fucking-"

I took the advantage of him bending down and kicked his face, leaving him stumbling backwards and hitting the cabinets.

    I took this as an opportunity to break free the  loosely tied ropes that were around my arms, as I finally broke free with my newly found rope burn, the man grabbed my foot and made me trip. My reflexes kicked in and my arms broke my fall, but I fell on the glass that held the black liquid of the needle.

I grunted and sat up, stomping on his hand and trying to run out of the door. I tripped over my own feet and grabbed the dog, my other hand going limp because of the glass. I fell against the wall and ran out of the room, shielding the dog from the potential danger and booked it into the room I was formerly in, the huge one where I met the man.

  I could feel the mans presence behind me, as I kept sprinting to the end of the room and cursing silently. The dog jumped down and started to run with me, but a shackle got in the way and I tripped, stumbling down and crying silently.

   A large pressure was suddenly on my body, my hands were pinned down my this guy. My legs were held in place by his huge kneecaps.

I chuckled silently and decided to lighten the situation,
"This looks like the beginning of a porno, doesn't it?"

The man didn't crack a smile, his hand instead went from my wrist to his side, he slowly brought it up near his head and reared it into my stomach. I could feel blood start to run up my throat, and my lungs felt like they were on fire.

After a few more blows and my pleads were basically screams, loud footsteps sounded into the room.

"Now Aditya, that isn't how we treat guests, is it?"

  The man slowly stood up and kicked my side roughly, I groaned in defeat.

"Why the fuck should I listen to you-SHIT!"

He jolted and fell to the ground, hands around his neck and his loud screams filled the room.
I felt a pang of pleasure in seeing this bastard get his revenge.

I jolted up and looked at the person-well now the people who were at the door. My jaw basically fell off, the people who were at the door were none other then Rosie and Alastor.

Alastor quickly ran over to me, helping me up. I pushed him away, and backed away from him and Rosie, limping vaguely. He seemed shocked at this but regained his composure.

"Why darling, whatever is the matter?"

I rolled my eyes at his words, Rosie quickly grabbed the man and went out of the room, most likely heading out to kill him.

"Don't ducking call me that! I heard your little 'plans' and I don't want to even look at you! You make me fucking sick! Pretending to love me? Helping me? God Alastor to believed I loved a creep like you!"

  I poked his chest as silent tears streamed down my face, covering my cheeks in big, damp, streaks.

His ears shrunk to the sides of his head, and he started to walk closer to me.

"Darling, you didn't actually believe any of that, did you?"

His words caught me off guard, didn't believe what? I tried to regain focus but still thought faintly about what he meant.

"About what?"

He chuckled and stroked my cheek, big black tears forming at the edge of his eyes.

"About me not loving you, see darling, it was only for Rosie to believe me so I could finish an errand I owed in life, so I wanted to fake not loving you and she planned on me 'killing you' but since Aditya found you, it sort of worked out. Don't believe for a second that I didn't love you, because whenever you're around me, I can't help but think of how lucky I am to have you as my partner."

  He inches closer to my face, our faces only centimeters apart. Before we kissed I said something I would never forget,

"You know babe, I never knew there could be a demon, where my heart should be"

———second to last chapter bitchessssss———

The Demon Where Your Heart Should Be - Alastor x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now