-The Last Chapter-

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(highly, HIGHLY recommend listening to this song while you're reading this, and just thank you so much for staying here with me on this journey. Now, without further ado, the conclusion of my book.)

I walked home with Alastor, hand in hand. People kept their distance, not screaming half as loud as they were a few days ago.

We walked inside the hotel, and Charlie immediately engulfed me in a hug. Vaggie kept her distance, but I saw the relief in her eyes. Charlie checked me over, her eyeing my tail and ears, etc. Vaggie came over next, and did an awkward side hug. Husk said hey, then got back to doing absolutely jack shit. Angel gave me a hug, then gushed to me about Geoffrey and how he got him a modeling job in the span of a few days.

     I went back upstairs and flopped on my bed, immediately falling asleep.

  A few minutes into the nap, I felt a weight dip in the spot next to me. My eyes fluttered open and I saw a very tired Alastor laying next to me. He laughed and kissed my nose lightly, then turned over and drifted off rather quickly.

    I snuggled up to the soft mattress more, thankful for my love and my new 'life'. Even though its a hot mess, I guess we're figuring it out one step at a time.

   -Months Later-

    Hey! It's been a while, hasn't it?

  Let me catch you up, first things first, the dog. He follow us home that night so we're good with him. He's enjoying life and loving Alastor.

Oh! Speaking of Alastor, he proposed! About a month ago, Alastor got down on one knee and pulled out a ring with a little red rose on it.
Of course, I said yes. How could I not? He's so cute, I just love him so much. On a totally different note, Charlie's little 'hotel' turned into a huge business! Sinners are getting sent back up into purgatory (Earth), or heaven.
   I've heard stories about them getting send back as animals, some being lucky as getting back as humans. Even though I've said to friends that I would never do it, I've actually considered it many times. I thought about what it would do to Alastor, he'd hopefully get over it. Angel, he'd be sad but he'll also get over it. Everyone will, I feel like I've made my impact.

Last but not least, The Bloody Damsel. I can't help but cringe at that name now. You wonder why? Well, I just stopped killing people. I stopped wanting to kill people. People who deserve to die, are already paying for it. I can't take them away from their families.

But sorry, I'm getting off-topic. The wedding is in a week or two, and I'm so happy! Everyone in the hotel will be there, my friends-well, erm, friend. Brie and I got closer! We got stoned and shit. It was fun.
Anyways, I'm so happy that my life it turning around. I hope things stay this way.

_•A week later•_

"I don't fucking know if I can do this, Brie. What if I mess up? Or trip? Or forget my vows?" I gasp silently and whisper to her, "what if he says I don't?"

Brie snapped me out of it and lightly slapped my face. Bringing me back to the present moment.

"Y/N! You are the best person I've ever met, which, granted in Vegas you meet a lot of 'nice' people which turn out to be mafia leaders. But that's besides the point! I've known you ever since you came to hell. I don't think you belong here but the DOUCHE upstairs sent you to us. I'm so proud of you, girly."
She started to tear up and I raised her chin and fanned her eyes, fanning the now dry tears.

The Demon Where Your Heart Should Be - Alastor x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now