~Part 5~

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      He huffed and rolled his eyes. He grumbled a bit then answered.

"Pretty good I guess."

   I was about to say something but he cut me off.

"I know, I know you're gunna say 'how'd you I was out of the hotel? *gasp* are you a stalker!?'"

    He chuckled then continued.

"First of all, you slammed the fucking door. Next, you were walking on the streets of hell ALONE. Lastl-fucking-lee, you got fucking pounded by some kid. So yeah, I guess I am doing good after saving your ass and you beating those guys'."

After he said that my mouth was wide open.
I sighed and grumbled something. About halfway through the walk home some guy was catcalling me, I flipped him off and Husk wrapped his wing around me. He looked straight ahead like nothing was wrong but I saw a tiny bit of blush on his cheeks.

We got there after 10 minutes of walking awkwardly. Once we opened the doors to the hotel, I wanted to walk the hell out.

There sat Vaggie, Charlie, Angel, Nifty, and Alastor.

Vaggie looked like she was going to fucking explode.

Charlie looked like she was going to rip her hair out.

Angel was falling asleep, picking at his nails.

Nifty couldn't stop pacing in tiny circles.

And lastly, Alastor was picking at his mic. His smile twitching when he saw me enter the hotel.

I spun on my heels and started to walk the fuck out but a large wing stopped me. I looked up at him and rolled my eyes. He pushed me into the room.

Eight eyes were staring at me, I was going to explain but Vaggie took the turn for me.

"Where the fuck were you? You can't just go walking around all fucking willy nilly because you fucking wanted to! You could've gotten hurt, and don't even get me started on the closing hours!"

My face turned red hot, I played it off like I knew what I was doing. But I, in fact, have no clue, but that's the glory of my infamous improv skills.

"Am I not old enough to fucking walk around? I'm sorry that I had a fucking nightmare and I wanted to blow off steam! I'm sorry that I didn't tell you about leaving this shit hole! I'm sorry-"

My voice cracked.

"-that I came here because my fucking father was an asshole, ending his life was the worst thing I've done because now he's on the streets in hell with me!"

I slammed my fist against the door, it cracked and left an indent where I hit it.

The room was deathly quiet. No day dared to say a word. My silent tears were streaming down my face, not daring to sob.

Vaggie starting walking towards me.

"Y/N, I-"
     I put my hand in front of me and stopped her. My right leg bounced slightly, I bit my lip and turned my head.

"Save it"

     It was barely audible, but everyone still heard it. I walked to my room, careful not to slam the door because of everyone still downstairs. I sat on the bed and pondered something.

The Demon Where Your Heart Should Be - Alastor x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now