~Part 2~

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Probably the only authors note of this series but I apologize is 'Vaggie' is spelled 'Veggie' my phone fucking sucks but love y'all

Author Brie

He grinned widely and fixed his monocle.

"What a pretty name for a pretty gal! Any who I saw you were looking for someone, particularly that little Charlie over there"

He waved his cane in the direction the Charlie headed.

       His voice really rang a bell, I don't know where I've heard it before but it seems almost...homely.

Anyways, how does he know I'm looking for Charlie?

"It's talent my dear! You were also deeply staring at her"

Chills went up my spine as I now knew he he could read minds, or just be a fucking creep. I chuckled lowly and started to walk away. His smile went from a grin to a sincere smile.

"I'm sorry my dear, I didn't mean to frighten you"

I tried not to think of any swear words as he focused on me, probably trying reading my mind. I shuffled away and gulped,

"It's quite alright, Alastor. I'm just going to go...find Charlie."

     He chuckled deeply, and then waved me off with his hand and his signature smile. I nodded and skimmed my bare feet across the cold tile floor. I went to the bar to see Charlie talking with that cat that also had wings demon? I've never talked to him to I don't know him, but why make assumptions if I haven't talked to him yet?
     I waved to Charlie and she waved back, the smile never fading from her face.

  "So Y/N, I have a new job for you! Because well, if you want to go here you also need a...job."

     I felt a little nervous, but my trust in Charlie took over and I nodded, acknowledging her to go on.

     "What about......a janitor!"

      The cat demon spit out water from laughing and drinking rum, his outburst died into a light chuckle. He locked eye contact with me, his dark red eyes and his light yellow pupils. He immediately stopped because I was giving him the 'you better back the fuck up' look. He sat up out of that rickety chair and took his rum with him up to his room, mumbling something along the lines of, 'no demon gets my fucking humor around here, a bunch of-' and then he swore something profusely and I won't repeat it.
         I turned back to Charlie that had her hand on her forehead, shaking her head back and forth. I coughed lightly and she slowly brought her head up. She chuckled nervously and continued,

     "If you don't want to I completely understand, we could also have you be a secretary?"

     I shook my head and she looked relieved.

   "I'm so glad you don't want to be a secretary! Vaggie would flip the fuck out if...you know-"

        I chuckled lightly and pressed her hand in the middle of mine. She looked a bit taken aback but realized it was what I did as a youth, something I always did with my mother to comfort her.

   "Listen Charlie, I get it. Just give me the mop bucket and a good sized broom"

     She laughed then got up, her perfume of her hair smelled like peppermint and lavender. I'm sure Vaggie's smelled that more then once. I relaxed and hopped across the counter, and poured myself a drink. I was a bit of a wine enthusiast when I was alive, yet I've never tried beer.
     I poured myself a glass and took a sip. Letting the flavor of the liquid just coat my tongue, and down my throat. I smacked my lips together a bit, then went in for another drink.

"Well hello there little lady"

     I whipped my head around and sucker punched the guy behind me right in the nose or whatever he had on his face. He backed up a bit, trying to regain composure. It was then I realized...I fucked up.

     I hit Alastor right in the fucking face.

        His eyes turned blood red and loops of lighter pink swirls could be seen around his iris. His breath was jagged and his monocle was now uneven. His great yellow fangs now gnashing together.

     He quickly regained composure, his eyes returning back to the normal crimson red they were. His breath was more even and his teeth were not so gnashed together anymore. He straightened his suit, and of course, fixed his monocle.

   "Well I do say little sweetie, you do pack a         very powerful punch"

I cringed and tried to asses the situation.

     So long story short, I begged him to forgive me and he laughed. That damn laugh that I swear I heard before! He also apologized for sneaking up on me, promising not to do it again.

     I offered him a drink and he happily said yes.

"Oh please do! I haven't had a nice glass of wine in ages!"

     I nodded and poured him a glass of cherry red wine. He thanked me and sipped away, not worrying about anything in the world.

  "So Al, if I may call you that, to me and well maybe it's because I'm still new here." 

     I paused to think of the right words.

"That voice of yours, it sounds oddly..familiar."

The Demon Where Your Heart Should Be - Alastor x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now