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SHE KNEW gaining Damon Salvatore's trust was meant to be difficult, but she didn't realise it would be this difficult.

Stefan's trust was easier to gain, as well as Elena's. The both of them were like two peas in a too trusting pod – show tears and a quivering lip, and they were all open arms about accepting Desiree into the group due to the fact that Katherine had harmed her.

Damon, however – Damon was a different story. To her face, he was all smiles and telling her to take a shower. But behind her back, he was talking to Stefan about the million reasons why Desiree shouldn't be trusted because she was targeted by Katherine.

"I don't know, Damon. Katherine's easily jealous and she wants to get a rise out of us. I mean, you seemed awfully cosy with her at the Lockwood Mansion. Maybe she saw Desiree as a threat. There's no way we could just compel her memories away like that, she's innocent and she got stabbed by a branch, for god's sake!" Stefan reasoned.

"This all seems a bit too perfect for me. I mean, the day Katherine shows her face around here, a new girl pops out outta nowhere, claiming that she's lived here all along and then the same day gets stabbed in the stomach by Katherine herself? Katherine's devious, Stefan, and a liar. She's using this girl to get close to us," Damon replied.

Desiree was honestly taken aback at how easy it was to guess Katherine's plan. Maybe she wasn't the all devious mastermind she thought she was. Nonetheless, Katherine was her friend and the succubus wasn't about to let her friend's plan fall through. She was way too good of a person – demon? – to do that. She still wanted to have some fun.

She walked down the steps of the Boarding house, Cerberus in tow as she hugged her arms to her chest. Damon's shirt covered most of her body, her hair still wet from the shower.

"I'm sorry... I don't want to cause any confusion and burden on both of you. I didn't expect Katherine to be like this. I thought all the stories about her were made up, she seemed so nice," Desiree shook her head, disappointedly.

"What? You mean you were friends with Katherine?" Stefan asked, stepping forward.

"Impossible. Katherine has no friends," Damon rolled his eyes.

"She did. She had me as a friend. She told me about her vampirism and, to be honest, I thought it was pretty cool. She wanted to turn me, but she said I had to prove my loyalty. I did," Desiree nodded eagerly. "I helped her do whatever she wanted, treated her like a sister. But then she stabbed me in the back when she saw you and I was talking. I knew that she had jealousy issues, but I didn't think it would cost that much."

"This is a trick," Damon said, suspiciously.

"Why would I lie to you?!" shouted Desiree. Tears gathered in her eyes as she slumped on the floor, covering her face dejectedly. "All I wanted was a friend. Katherine was so nice to me. She said we'd be friends forever."

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