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"GOD, DAMON," Desiree groaned, leaning forward in her seat. She was roused to the aforementioned vampire tossing an entire glass of holy water on her, to which her skin sizzled and forced her to awaken. She looked around, seeing that she was caught in her second Devil's Trap since making contact with the Scooby Doo gang.

She wondered how Damon even found out about this neat little trick.

"Good to see you again, you piece of shit," Damon smirked in a sarcastic manner in front of her, holding the empty glass.

"I assume your feelings are still hurt?" Desiree questioned, already knowing the answer. She knew that Damon was actually hurt by her betrayal, and no amount of times that he could throw Holy Water on her could change that. The eyes truly are the window to the soul, and oh, his eyes were swimming in betrayal.

"I couldn't give less of a shit about you, actually. But, I didn't just wake you up to insult you – though, that would be nice considering now that Katherine's in the tomb, I don't have anyone else to irritate," Damon explained. Desiree's chest tightened at the mention of Katherine being locked in the tomb. Despite not feeling romantic feelings for the vampire, she still cared for her.

"Still hurt that your ex-girlfriend likes me more than you, huh?" Desiree asked, laughing under her breath.

Damon ignored her comment, "Elena's been kidnapped," Damon said, crossing his arms over his chest. "Judging by the fact that I, myself, sealed Katherine in the tomb, there's no way it's her. I got Bonnie to do a little witch juju and we found her location."

"And why are you telling me this? You know I couldn't care less about that annoying bitch," Desiree muttered, glad that the charade was over and that she didn't have to pretend to care for Elena anymore.

Damon's eyes burned with anger as he sped towards her, grabbing her by the hair. He tugged, yanking her head back as he glared down at her. "The only reason you're still alive is because we still need you," he hissed.

"You know I like getting my hair pulled, Damon. This really isn't doing much for you," Desiree giggled, biting her lip as she stared the vampire down. "All this Elena getting kidnapped and seriously harmed talk is getting me riled up – want to go a few rounds, big boy?"

Damon didn't take too well with her words. He reached behind him, stabbing a knife that was previously soaked in holy water through her hand. The demon shrieked in pain, tears gathering in her lash line as her skin tried to mend itself over the poison. She glared furiously at Damon, who smiled in response.

"Hurts, doesn't it?" he asked, rhetorically. "As I was saying, considering that you can't die no matter how much shit we throw at you," he curled his lips in disdain. He really was not happy to see Desiree's heart regenerate as soon as he pulled it out. "You're going to get Elena out of whatever bind she's in, right now."

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