Change of Scenery

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This is for the best. I try to convince myself. I've lived in Florida all seventeen years my life and now we're move across the country just so my brothers can be close to home when they go to college. I love them don't get me wrong but I'm going to be starting my senior year of high school this fall at a brand new school. The worst part is we're moving into the mountains. It's going to be freezing most of the year.

My brothers got the offer of a lifetime to go and study under one of the top warlocks in the world in Washington, but mom wouldn't let us split up the family so we all have to move. And yes I said warlock. Both my brothers and mom are warlocks and a witch. But me, you could say I'm a breed of my own.

My mom told me my father was a great warrior that was half werewolf half vampire. Making me a hybrid of witch, werewolf, and vampire. She also told me that I was placed on this earth to do great things that why she named me Kelsie. She told me it meant bravery, victory, and the seeking of the real truth. I always believed her that I was special because I am. Not only do I have two powerful bloodlines from my father but I also have far great powers than any other witch I have ever hear of. Most witches have one primary element they can control out of the four: air, water, fire, and earth. I have three air, water, and earth.

I put the last of my things in the trailer we rent to take the rest of our stuff we didn't ship. I hop in the passenger seat of Dustin's truck "you ready to go big bro?" I ask as he gets in the driver's seat.

"Yeah, but there's no way Levi's going to let you sit in the front" he say as he points to the back seat "he's not riding all the way to Washington with Alpha drooling on him."

I look back at my four year old German Shepard, I got him on my thirteenth birthday. He's my familiar so technically he's thousands of years old and a demon not a dog, he just appears as one. He has his ears straight up and a big doggish smile on his face, I smile back at him as I tell Dustin "he's just jealous that I got a cool familiar, and he's stuck with Fred the frog." Alpha howls a dog like laugh.

"Shut up Alpha. He's a toad and you know it" Levi says with fake frown as he walks up to the truck. "Now get in the back unless your driving after Dustin?" I jump out of the seat and climb in the back as fast as possible knowing I couldn't stay awake all night driving. "That's what I thought." He smirked as he climbed in the truck.

We're taking turns driving straight through to Washington. It's going to take a little over two days, but we're making the best of it. Just me and my two older brothers. Mom left last week to get most of the furniture situated and everything setup. As we start to drive I look between the two, they really do almost look identical, except for their hair and eyes. Dustin has long dark brown hair that almost reaches his shoulders and blue eyes, and Levi has shorter hair he spikes up in the front with brown eyes. As I drift off to sleep I think of how different I look with my red hair.


I take it back, cross country with two twenty two year olds who just so happen to be your brothers is the dumbest idea I have ever had. After 60 hours of farting and burping competitions and the worst singing possible we finally made it to our new home.
As we pull up to the house I'm already falling in love. It's a big white two story house with a porch. It has five bed rooms and a game room in the basement. It's on the out side of a suburb with the back year leading straight into the Olympic National Park. My wolf Jessi is begging to go on a run to stretch our legs. I smile at the thought of me and Alpha going on a run together instead of having to take him on a walk. In my wolf form I'm almost twice the size of him.

"What up with that goofy smile on your face?" Levi asked as he walks over and slings an arm over me "Mom said the nature would be good for us, but maybe it's turning you a little crazy." He adds with a laugh.

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