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*Lia's POV*

River parked his car near the front of the drive in and turned to face me, "Would you like popcorn or chocolate? Or maybe both? I'm pretty sure there's other stuff too though or-."

"White chocolate pretzels," I smiled at his nervous babbling as he nodded with a nervous look on his face. I put my hand on his cheek in an attempt to calm him and he smiled before leaving towards the concessions.

We sat in silence as the movie began and I tugged on the hoodie River had gave me with a bag of Flipz in hand. I hadn't seen the movie in such a long time and just being there with him made it even better.

"You look happy," he murmured, softly laughing. I didn't even realize I had been smiling the whole time as I looked out at the screen.

Turning to him, I noticed he was watching me. His ocean-like orbs gazed in such a calming way as the movie mirrored on his glasses.

"I am happy," I slid my hand into his as he watched, "You're a huge part of it too."

"I am?"
"Of course, River," I laughed, "You're such a sweet person."
"You are too."

I leaned over to give him a kiss on the cheek as he smiled softly before we continued to watch the movie.
After the movie, River had asked if I could stay because he had wanted to take me somewhere else. I agreed, knowing my parents gave me until midnight and it was only 9:30.

He drove back into town, the heavy amount of Christmas decorations lighting up the roads and houses along the way.

Growing up I always loved the holidays, especially knowing it was around that time my grandparents flew in from Florida to visit. We would decorate the tree together, bake cookies, and go ice skating. My parents weren't all that into the holiday spirit so they never went along.

After my grandparents died, so did our traditions. I tried to do it with Romeo for old times-sake, knowing he missed it just as much but it wasn't the same without them.

I hadn't been ice skating since middle school, so when River pulled up into the exact parking lot of the place I went to with them I was flooded with memories.

I watched through the windshield as an older couple walked inside with a pair of twin girls skipping ahead, laughing.

Suddenly, the passenger door opened and River held his hand out which I took.

"Are you okay? You seem...distracted?" he questioned as I got out of the car.
"I was just thinking about an old memory," I simply said.

I noticed how the parking lot was already beginning to gather slush and snow as we walked to the building. Once inside we rented ice skates and went to the back where the huge area was set up with Christmas trees and banners.

River slowly glided on the ice as he held my hand and I looked around at the happy children and older couples.

"Are you ever afraid that your future might not turn out the way you wanted it to?" I asked, voicing my thoughts.

"All the time. I have thousands of questions, but no one to answer them. Like if I'll die earlier than expected. Or will I actual get the career I want? Would if I end up doing exactly what everyone else is doing? And live a life that's generic, where I'm just another person who works as a lawyer or doctor, has two kids, and a house in the suburbs."

"It kind of scares me. Thinking that I might just end up as another housewife who waters plants and bakes every day," I looked down at our hands which were currently laced together.

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