VII. Football and Fights

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     It was dark, and cold. Everything was dark and cold. I could vaguely make out the trees of the woods the surrounded my small town, but it was too dark to actually see them. "Alina..." Someone whispered in my ear, making me spin around. 

     "Alina..." The voice taunted again. I frowned, looking around until i saw a light in the distance. I slowly walked towards it, wanting to know what was over there, like i said, i hate not knowing things. 

    "Alina! Run!" I look up to see Elena on the floor, and Stefan standing over her, a wicked grin on his face, what the hell was he doing to my sister. "Alina, go!" Elena cried again. 
     I finally listened to her, running away, now i could see things, the trees and every dent in the floor. I was running as fast as my feet could carry me. I stopped suddenly when Stefan was in front of me.  

      "Why are you running?" Stefan asks with a small frown. "Who are you running from?" 

    I couldn't say anything, i just slowly backed up, until i hit someone's chest. I spun around, seeing Damon behind me. 

    "Leave her alone." Damon glared, and when i turned back around, Stefan was gone. "He's dangerous, you have to stay away from him." Damon warned me. 

    "But he-" 

"I'll protect you." 

    I gasp, sitting straight up. What kind of bat-shit crazy dream was that? Why was Damon protecting me from Stefan? I look around and it was still dark out, reaching over i grab my phone, 3:00 Am. What the hell? 
    A squawk scared me, making me scream a little. I look over to see a crow sitting on my window sill. I start to walk over to it but it doesn't move, it's not afraid. 

    I grab my shirt off the floor, flinging it at the bird, making it fly away. I smirk to myself, shutting my window like i thought i had before. 

    I don't think i like birds very much...


     I sigh as i finish my makeup, leaning over and pulling my hair into a high ponytail. Today was the first game of the season, meaning the first pep rally. 
    I walk over to my bed, huffing as i grab the top of my uniform, pulling it on along with the skirt. My phone buzzes and i frown, leaning over to pick it up. 

      'Picking you up in ten, be ready' 

I laugh and Caroline and i's stupid tradition of going get ice cream before every game. I grab my last minute things and then go and knock on Elena's door. 


"I'll see you at the game, okay?" 

     There's a slight pause in her response and i knock again, "E, are you okay?" 

     "Yeah... i'm fine. I'll see you there." She calls back. I nod to myself hesitantly, before walking down the stairs and outside where i see Caroline, waiting.


    Everyone was hanging out before the game, and Care and I had just gotten there. We laughed as the football team set up the bonfire with the other teams dummy at the top. I look over, seeing Elena walking around, not in uniform. 
     "Hey, i'll be right back." I smile, walking over to Elena. 

     "Hey." I call out and she turns to me with a sad smile. "Why aren't you in uniform?" I ask. 

    "I quit." 

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