XLVIII. A new dawn

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          Jenna groans, holding her head in her hands. "Oh, my head. What's wrong with me?" I look over seeing Greta standing at the altar and frown, taking a shaky breath. 

    "Do you remember what happened?" Elena asks.  

  "Alina called me." I frown, looking over to Jenna, "You were so scared." I give her a look and she groans, "I should've realized it wasn't you. The second i walked out of the house, someone grabbed me. A vampire." 

     "Klaus." Elena frowns. "It was Klaus."

"He made me drink his blood. And i don't... I don't remember anything after that." She stutters. "Where are we? What happened?"

      "We're at the quarry. He brought us here." I tell her quietly. 

     "Why don't i remember anything?" 

"Jenna, do you remember... when Elena told you how someone becomes a vampire?" I ask shakily, i have no idea how she's going to take this. 

      "Yeah," She nods, "If you die with vampire blood in your system, It's..." She trails off and sighs, shaking her head. "Oh, god. He killed me." 

      "Jenna, listen to me." Elena whispers, "Listen, everything's going to be okay. We're going to get you out of here." 

     "I'm a vampire?" 

"And i bet you're hungry," Greta smirks, walking up behind Jenna. Elena looks around, and i follow her gaze seeing a rock. I shake my head at Elena who ignores me, per usual and rushes to grab it. Greta raises her hand, throwing Elena back. A fire ring rises around her and i stand up, gasping. 

     "Elena!" I run over, Greta throwing me back as well, a ring surrounding me. I walk up to the flames, ready to jump through them but I'm blocked by a barrier. 

     "Don't bother trying to get through. I spelled the circles, you're trapped." She smirks. Elena and i share a look, frowning. "No matter what you do." 

     "Greta, please just... just let her go," I beg. I wince as Greta slices her wrist open, my eyes snap over to Jenna who's eyes are wide, she won't be able to resist. 

     "Klaus chose her." She tells me, looking down to Jenna. 

"No." I say shaking my head. 

     "Drink it." Greta orders, holding her wrist in front of Jenna. 

      "Jenna, don't!" Elena cries out, pushing against the barrier. 

     "I can't..." Jenna mumbles. 

"Let her go! Hey!" I yell, banging my fist on the barrier, i see Jenna move forward and i gasp, "No!" Jenna bites down on Greta's wrist and i gasp, shaking my head. I frown, shaking my head, a minute later, Greta pushing Jenna way. 

      "That's enough," Greta whispers, walking back towards the Altar. 

    "Jenna..." Elena whispers. "It's going to be okay." Greta raises a ring of fire around Jenna and i fall to my knees sitting. It's over, Klaus is going to win, just like he always was. "Jenna, hey, look at me, It's gonna be okay." Jenna shakes her head, her eyes red and the veins bubbling under her eyes. 


     My eyes stare at the fire, every time i try to touch the flames, the barrier stops me. "Alina, stop." Jenna scolds. I sigh, pulling my hand back. 

     "How are you feeling?" I ask, resting my chin on my knees.

     "I feel like myself... only not." She huffs. "Everything's brighter. The fire's hotter. Part of me is terrified, but there's another part of me that doesn't want to feel anything." It's her humanity. 

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