XI. Mistakes

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    I groan as i start to open my eyes. I look around and i notice that I'm not in my room. I sit up and look around, seeing Damon sitting in a chair. 

    "Good, you're awake. I thought i killed you." He said with a slight frown. I look down and recall the previous events. Damon calling me over somehow, me letting him out, him killing someone, and then him almost killing me. I get up, moving over to a mirror, seeing the bite mark on my neck. 

    "I'm going crazy," I mutter to myself. 

"Actually, you're sane. Sorry to break it to you." He says in an amused tone. 

    "You're a vampire?" I ask and he nods, "Like, twilight?" I chuckle. Suddenly I'm back on the bed, Damon hovering over me. I gasp and he smirks.

    "Don't compare me to that, it's insulting." He smirks, i nod and he stays hovered over me. 

    "What did you mean you compelled Caroline to give me my necklace, why would you do that?" I ask. 

    "You're special." He tells me, moving next to me. "I knew it'd be a matter of time before something came up. I needed to make sure Stefan couldn't get into your head, or the weak attempt of him trying to get into your head." 

   "Is that why she didn't tell me about you? Because she was compelled."    

     "You were right, you are perceptive," Damon smirks. I notice how pale he still looks. "What?" 

    "You're still too weak." I frown. 

"If i drank anymore from you, i could kill you. Your blood is the most alluring thing I've ever had." I frown and he chuckles. "I'll feed once the sun goes down." 

    "But you've been out in the sun before." 

"When Stefan locked me up in the cellar, he took my daylight ring, which lets me go out in the sun. Without it, I'll die."

   "How does that even work?" I ask, laying down.  

  "Witches spell them, mine was spelled by Emily Bennett," Damon tells me, i open my mouth and he holds up a finger. "Yes, your friend's ancestor." 

  "How old are you?" 

"I've been 23 since 1864." He tells me, lying beside me. "Emily was Katherine's maid." 

     "Wait, Katherine was a thing back in 1864?" I ask, sitting straight up. 

     "Yes, she was a vampire, the vampire whose blood turned me and Stefan. But because of Stefan, she was burned alive in a church." Damon explains, looking up at me. 

    "Is there anything else i should know?" I ask, taking a shaky breath. He gives me a look like he wants to tell me something, but he just shakes his head. "How do you become a vampire?" 

   "Well, you should know that my bite won't turn you. You have to have a vampires blood in your system, die, then feed on human blood." He says, looking up at the ceiling. I lay back down and he turns to look at me.
      "You know, i thought I'd have to do more to get you into my bed." He smirks. I roll my eyes, quickly standing up to leave but i get dizzy.

    I feel like I'm about to pass out and i start to feel myself fall, but within a second, Damon's at my side, holding me up. 

    "Hey, hey, take it easy." He says, leading back to the bed. "What's wrong?" He has one of his hands on my waist, holding me steady, the other on my cheek, getting me to look at him. 

  "I, uh... I just got up too fast." I sigh. He searches my face for something and then nods. He lets my face go and i look out the window and see that the sun is setting. "Oh my god..." 

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