XCV. Cap n' Gown

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This was it. I was graduating. Yet, it didn't feel right. It didn't feel like it should happen. My mom and dad weren't here, Jenna wasn't here. And soon, Jeremy wouldn't be here, and Alaric also wouldn't be here for much longer. But for right now, everything seemed right.
I chuckle as Alaric and Jeremy moan as they bite into their burgers. "Oh, my god." Alaric groans.

"No grease on the other side, huh?" Elena laughs.

"You have no idea how much i miss this," He says holding up his burger, "And this." Lifting up a bottle of bourbon. I reach over taking it, Ric's eyes widening. "No, no, hey, hey. Hey!"

"Oh come on, they just got their lives kinda back, let them live a little." Jeremy laughs, reaching over for the bottle and taking it.

"Woah, buddy." Elena laughs.

"I'm dead, what are they gonna do? Throw me in juvie?" He jokes.

"At least you'd have a place to live," Ric says, raising a brow at us.

I scoff, throwing a couple of fries at them, Elena joining in. "You both suck." Elena giggles, making me smile.

"Hey," Ric defends. I smile, rolling my eyes. "Well, there it is, those smiles i love." He leans over to Jeremy, nudging his shoulder, "I wasn't sure if we'd ever see them again."

I sigh, looking down at my lap. "I did some pretty terrible things," Elena admits.

"Hey, no, no tears." Jeremy sighs. "If Caroline was right, we only have until tonight. We need a no crying rule."

"But crying is good." She smiles, shrugging. "It means that I'm finally feeling something, and right now, I..." She reaches over, taking Jeremy and Ric's hands. "I feel happy."
My phone rings, ruining the moment. "No, it's mine." Elena sighs, getting up and sighing. "It's the grill, it must be Matt."

I tune her out, looking back at Ric and Jeremy, the two smiling at me. "What?" I chuckle.

"So... you and Stefan?" Ric smiles, I let out a breath, smiling. "You're happy?"

"I am." I nod.

"You're good for each other, you balance each other out." Jeremy smiles. "He helped you after, everything." He smiles.

"He really did. I feel... I feel good." I nod. "Better than i have in a long time."

"Now," Ric sighs, "What's going on with you and Klaus?" I furrow my brows until i tilt my head.

"Have you been snooping on me from the other side?" I laugh.

"We both have." Jeremy defends, "And we know about the voice mail." A few weeks ago, Klaus had sent me a voicemail telling me he wish I'd come to New Orleans with him. But i didn't answer. "Are you gonna answer it."

"I'm happy here. I don't want to leave." I shrug.

'We want you to bring Silas to us.' Silas' name perks my interest and i stand up, walking over to Elena.

"I don't know where they are so i guess i can't help you." Elena shrugs, making eye contact with me. 'Connor' she mouthes and i clench my jaw.

"Huh, well, you know who's gonna need some help? Grandma and Grandpa Jones in town for the big high school graduation along with auntie Sue and uncle Mark, a matter of fact they're all here for graduation brunch." I take a deep breath, sharing a look with Elena.

"Please, don't hurt anyone, we'll find Silas, and I'll get the cure."

"Good. Get it done." Connor demands, the line going dead. I turn around, seeing Alaric gone, my eyes shoot over to Jeremy who stops eating, quickly wiping his mouth.

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