XLI. The Boy Who Cried Wolf

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        I groan slightly when i hear a phone ring, "Sleeping, go away

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        I groan slightly when i hear a phone ring, "Sleeping, go away." I hear Caroline mutter. It rings again and i groan. 

    "Elena, turn off your phone." I groan. Turning over, laying my arm over Bonnie. 

    "It's yours." She groans. It rings again and i sit up, sighing, walking over to where we put all the phones, seeing in fact, it was Elena's.

    "It's yours," I tell her, pulling her off the bed and taking her spot to go back to sleep. 

    "Hello?"She asks, starting to crawl out of the room. Bonnie shushes Elena, making me smile and get comfy again. 

    "Elena!" Caroline groans. I look up to see her crawling out of the room. I huff, pulling the blankets over my head. After about ten minutes, my phone rings and i groan, sitting up and grabbing it, walking out of the room, seeing Elena sitting on the floor. 


"Sleep over's over, I'm outside. Come on." He says quickly. I sigh, walking into the room and pulling on my clothes that i brought with me, pulling on my black jeans and black shirt and then slipping on my booties. 

     "Bye, love you guys," I call out, the groan in response and i grab my bag and leather jacket. I look back down at Elena and the floor, "Have fun down there, see you later." She waves, probably talking to Stefan. I rush to the bathroom to brush my teeth and then rush out of the house, seeing Damon parked outside. 
    As soon as I'm out the door and about five feet away from his car, his door opens and he smiles at me. I smile, walking up to him.

    He opens the car door, letting me slide in, "How was the slumber party?" He asks before shutting the door. 

      "It was great, until Stefan called, waking Elena up, and then you called, re-waking me up," I say with a playful glare. He rolls his eyes, walking over to the driver's side. "And might i ask, why you called me?" 

    "I missed you." He shrugs, starting the car. I quirk a brow, deciding not to question it. We drive in silence until he reaches over, grabbing my hand. He's been wanting to hold my hand a lot lately. In the few months we've been dating, i know that when he does that, he feels like I'm gonna leave him.  
    He did it before we officially started dating when Katherine was involved, He did it weeks after i almost died, and each time. 

    I sigh, holding his hand higher, leaning over and kissing his knuckles. "What happened?" I ask, running my thumb over his knuckles. I watch as the hand on the steering wheel tightens and frown. 

    "John came over last night." He sighs, "After Stefan dropped you guys off." 

    "Okay, And?" I ask, turning to face him.

"I'll show you when we get to the house, Ric will be there soon, he needs to know too." I nod and we continue to drive. I know he's not telling me the full truth right now, but he eventually will, i hope. 

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