first sign

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You start listening to sappy love songs and have them playing on repeat for hours.


"I didn't know you like Taylor Swift." was the text that interrupted your current belt out to her song, 'Begin Again.' Immediately, you walk over to your bedroom window and peer outside, looking over to the adjacent house where Jaehyun was already waiting for you; his cheek puffed up as his palm presses up against it to hold his weight up.

He looks like he just came out of the shower with his hair damp and pushed back with a towel draped over his shoulders.

"How was training?" You hook your foot onto the leg of your chair to drag it over before sitting down.

"Same as always. Coach isn't as strict since the game is in a few days. You're watching, right?"

"Is that even a question?" You roll your eyes at him. You always go to his games, whether he asks you or not. Initially, you had really gone to support him, but there are times you used his games to procrastinate some homework or just didn't want to be home alone when your mom wasn't there.

He chuckles, "We'll never know, maybe you just don't feel like watching. That's okay, you know. I'm only asking because mom said she wanted to watch."

You briefly look behind you as the song changed before nodding at what he had said.

"You've been listening to Taylor Swift since I got home." Jaehyun points out, "I didn't even know you had her songs on your phone."

"I was listening to a public playlist of Ed Sheeran songs, but then she had a couple songs featuring him included so I decided to check her other songs out and I liked them. Why? Do you not like her or something?"

"No, I just find it odd that you're even listening to something that's in her genre. You mainly listen to band songs and sometimes R&B."

Of course, he knows your taste in music. "Just expanding my playlist like yours, Jae."

"Or," He drags out annoyingly, looking a little smug, "Her songs remind you of someone? Has someone finally charmed my shy little [Y/N]?"

You feel yourself flush at his words. It's not like he knew you spent a good hour lying on your bed and imagining being the main character of the song's music video, right? "No? Why would you even think that?"

He shrugs, "Just putting it out there."

"You'd be the first to know anyways."


"Yeah, of course." You pause, giving a moment to lock eyes with him, "I'd tell you right away."

He gives you a little bashful smile that makes his nose crinkle and dimples appear. "Aw, you're making me feel all special."

"Shut up." You snort, hearing the song lyrics behind you that made you feel a little funny. "We should get to bed. I'll turn my music off in a bit."

Your rooms were literally just a wall apart. It wasn't thin enough to hear the softest creaks from each other's rooms, but it wasn't thick enough to block out songs blaring simply from the built in speakers of your phones or laptops. Most nights, Jaehyun would play his music just loud enough for you to hear to fill in the silence of your home.

"Alright. Good night, [Y/N]. See you tomorrow."

"Good night." You close the window afterwards, padding to your bed and flopping onto it while grabbing your phone from the nightstand. You listen to the song for a few more seconds before scoffing to yourself and hitting the pause button, not allowing the lyrics to finish.

'Everything has cha-'

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