seventh sign

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You experience sleeplessness and a loss of appetite.


You haven't been feeling well all day, which made you feel bad because it was those rare days when your mom had no work to do and suggested some girl time with Jaehyun's mom. But you didn't even have enough strength since you haven't eaten all day, so you managed to convince the two of them to go without you and they eventually relented only after you have convinced them it's nothing serious.

In all honesty, you don't know what's wrong with you. Just the day before, you and Jaehyun were out shopping for your dress and his tie. His mom, having graduated from fashion design, suggested you go for something rosy or peachy in color and with her advice, you were able to select a good number of dresses to choose from with your mom later on.

You've been laughing the whole day yesterday while trying on dresses for Jaehyun; him being extremely patient, although he joked about how he wished there was a montage scene while he waited.

Picking out his tie was easy since his mom said to match your dress, but it was a little embarrassing for both of you to explain to the sales lady that one, you're not dating; two, yes, your attending prom together, but no, not as a couple; and three, you guys are just best friends. She sarcastically brushes your claims off, cooing about young love before directing you two to their selection of ties.

It was a little awkward between the two of you afterwards, but the tension eventually dissolved after getting some frozen yogurt. But you couldn't sleep that night; your mind plagued with ideas of 'what if's'

What if you did have Jaehyun as your prom date? What if you were more than just friends?

Your train of thought is interrupted at the sound of your mother coming into the apartment. You hadn't noticed how long you've been lying in your bed and simmering in your thoughts, astounded by the 7 hour difference reported by your wall clock. Your mom checks up on you, handing you a tray of some Chinese takeout and the seaweed soup she made for you this morning.

She stays with you, waits for you to eat whatever you can stomach while telling you about her day, and tucks you in for bed when you are finished. You try to sleep when she leaves, but you just couldn't no matter how long you stay still in the silence.

You shift in your bed, grabbing your phone off the nightstand that you've neglected the whole day. A few spam email, tags and mentions on social media, and a couple of messages from your friends.

There was one message from Jaehyun, "Mom told me you were sick. Hope you feel better."

It was sent just a few minutes ago at around 10 PM. You knew he had been at training all day and he was definitely tired so you didn't bother replying just in case he was falling asleep. Instead, you get out of bed and walk over to your desk. With all these thoughts bothering you, you know there's only one thing you could do about it: write it out.

You've had a diary where you wrote everything that you couldn't get off your mind and it's the one journal you don't let anyone - not even Jaehyun - see, let alone know of its existence. It's hidden beneath a pile of your old journals, ones you've filled up years ago and kept around when you were feeling nostalgic. You take out the simple brown craft notebook and flip it to the next blank page.

'I think I'm starting to like Jaehyun as more than a friend.' were the first words you wrote before staring at them for a good five minutes before continuing, 'But I doubt it. I can't possibly be, right?' then you proceed to jot down all the incidents that made you think so without even realizing your heart racing and your cheeks heating up at the memories.

You paused to play some music from your laptop that nearly gave you a heart attack when it automatically synced with your bluetooth speaker, blasting some pop song for a few seconds before you lower the volume. Just as you pick up your pen to resume your writing, your phone rings.

It's practically midnight, who would call you at this hour? But then you recognize the peach emoji as a contact name and a meme-y photo of Jaehyun that told you it was him calling.

"I'm sorry, did I wake you up?" You answer the call, stretching the hand you've been writing with.

"No," Jaehyun groans, which automatically meant he was lying, "Mom said you were sick all day. Are you okay? Why didn't you tell me? I could have picked up something from the store for you."

"You were training all day, Jae. Besides, it's not anything serious. It's not even a cold. I just... I don't know, I just have a lot on my mind. There's nothing to worry about."

He yawns on the other side of the line, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"No, it's nothing, I swear."

"Then why aren't you asleep yet?"

What do you say? 'Because I've been thinking about you all day'? You flip your notebook closed and climb back to your bed, "Uhm,"

Jaehyun sighs, "You know you can talk about anything with me. No matter how gross or controversial it is."

"I..." You lick your lips, "I know... but what if it's so... controversial that it changes our friendship?"

He scoffs through the phone and you hear the rustling of his bedsheets as he probably turns on his bed, "We've been friends all our lives, [Y/N]. We've been through thick and thin. What can possibly change that?"

You don't respond for a long time until he softly calls your name and you pretend to have drifted to sleep, "Hm? Oh, sorry... it was a rhetoric question, don't dwell on it. I'll be fine tomorrow."

"You're sleepy now?"

"Yeah," You drawl, actually yawning at his question, "Good night."

"Sweet dreams, [Y/N]."



You softly gulp, confused as to why you suddenly stopped him from dropping the call. "Thanks..." You wrack your brain to try and continue but he quickly replies.

"[Y/N]. I'll always be here for you, okay? No matter what. You over anything."

Sometimes you hate it when he's being this sweet because all it does is make your heart race and feel a butterfly armageddon in your stomach. Whether or not you wanted to be more with Jaehyun, there's no denying you love him already for who is to you.

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