third sign

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You can't stop sneaking stares at them when they're not looking.


You're practically glaring at Jaehyun as he types away on his laptop, both of you waiting for the afternoon snacks his mother insisted on preparing while you worked on your physics project at their living room. There was something different about him these days that you just couldn't put your finger on despite scrutinizing his very being every chance you get.

"Did you get a haircut or something?" You break the silence, fed up with yourself for not figuring out what he's done.

He glances up from the screen, the continuous sound of keyboard typing finally halting as he brings a hand over his face to adjust his glasses. "No. Why?"

You purse your lips, "Something's different about you."

"I don't know what you're talking about." Jaehyun blinks at you, placing his laptop on the table and stretches his legs out. "I haven't even bathed yet."

You make a face of disgust, "Not even a new facial wash? Moisturizer?"

He shakes his head while yawning, "Nope. I haven't done or used anything new."

Before you can say anything, his mother comes over with a plate of sweet rice cakes. "Aunty, have you noticed anything different with Jaehyun these past days?"

His mom looks at him inquisitively, but shakes her head. "I don't think so."

"You're delusional, [Y/N]!" Jaehyun accuses, picking out a rice cake with his fingers.

"I swear something is different!" You whined, puffing your cheeks while you choose a specific color of cake.

"Goodness! Maybe it's an inner glow? Jaehyun! Are you in love, perhaps?" His mom teases, a little giggle escaping her as she moves to pinch his cheeks and he tries to dodge with a groan.

Somehow, you're not amused by her jeer—you'd usually join in, teaming up with his mom to get him flustered but today your lips are sealed to a straight line.

"I am not! I told you I would tell you as soon as I start liking someone." He gives up trying to avoid his mom's pinches and locks eyes with you in defeat, "Both of you. I swear."

"You're still not allowed to date, either way. Not in high school." His mom reminds with a stern voice before excusing herself.

With a few rice cakes in his mouth, he resumes typing out his part of the project while you continue to gape at him.

After a few minutes, he glances at you and groans, "[Y/N], we have a paper to write. Stop staring. There's nothing new with me."

You feel yourself blush for being caught at blatantly staring at him so you blurt out the first thing you can think of to excuse your behavior. "It's your brows."


"They're a mess. You should get them tweezed." You shrug, masking your embarrassment with nonchalance and trying to ignore how Jaehyun runs his fingers over his brows with a pout.

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