thirteenth sign pt 2

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You feel butterflies when you see them, especially when they touch you.


After the whole picture taking process (plus retaking them after remembering the absence of a corsage and boutonniere your mothers had stored in the fridge to keep them fresh,) your mom drops the two of you off at prom.

He takes care of your tickets at the registration booth and you're lowkey enjoying all the swooning looks he's getting as he politely smiles at everyone who greets him or passes by.

"Are you confessing?" You nearly screamed at how Joohyun crept up behind you like that.

"Jeez, you look great, too." You scowl, "And can you please get off my back about confessing? It's not happening - at least tonight."

She sighs, "Fine, but at least slow dance with him? There are good songs on the playlist for it. You two look amazing, by the way, have fun tonight."

Jaehyun returns by your side just as Joohyun leaves, "Let's head in?"

You're amazed at how the prom committee was able to transform the gym into a whole new place. There were silk curtains covering all the posters and slogans of the school, draped along the walls from the center where a disco ball hangs with fairy light weaved into them and bouquets of flowers perched on the hoops to hide them. The whole court had been carpeted which would be a bitch to clean out if anybody spills anything on, but it made walking in high heels easier.

You and Jaehyun find your table with your friends already seated.

"Ah, the couple of the table." Mingyu exclaims, bringing the attention towards you and you knew it was best not to deny his teases because it'll only get worse.

Aside from you, Minkyung was the only female at the table and she looked so happy to see you. Jaehyun helps you to your seat before occupying the last one.

"I'm so glad you're here. I absolutely hate Yebin for bailing out on us." She whines, pulling you closer, "I suddenly wish I had a date."

"You could have chosen anyone here, sis." Mingyu gestures to the other boys seated but Minkyung flips him off.

"If I had a date, maybe I wouldn't have been on the same table as you. I'm only here for [Y/N] and Jungwoo."

Before the twins could start fighting, you distract her by complimenting her dress. "Kyung, you look beautiful. I'm sure the other dress couldn't compare to this one."

Up until last night, Minkyung couldn't decide between two drastically different dresses—but the fiery red mermaid gown she had complimented her dyed black hair beautifully. "I'm beautiful? Have you seen yourself? You're fucking gorgeous, [Y/N]! Has Taeyong seen you yet?"

"Taeyong? Why are you asking? I haven't seen him."

She rolls her eyes, "[Y/N], he paid 300 to get a date with you for a reason."

"He didn't have to pay for a date, I would have considered if he just asked."

"Maybe if you weren't surrounded by giants," She leaned forward, across your seat to glare at Jaehyun, pressing you back on your chair, "He wouldn't be so intimidated."

He laughs, "In defense of said giant surrounding [Y/N], I'm not always with her."

You motion for her to move back to her own space, "Besides, who finds him intimidating?"

Minkyung looks at you like you had said something incredibly stupid, "You know what, whatever. Just try and find Taeyong, if he offers to dance with you, then do it. Get to know him a little before he avails that date."

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