eight sign

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You're willing to try new things with them.


"So," Kim Doyoung of the student council sashays himself between you and Jaehyun as you were heading to the cafeteria for lunch. "Mr. Star player of the basketball team, Jung Jaehyun."

You snort while Jaehyun politely smiles, "Yes, Mr. Student Council president, Kim Doyoung?"

"The student body has spoken and they want to see you on stage for the school fair opening next week."

Jaehyun frowns, "As a host?"

"That's my job, so no. They want to see you perform; sing, dance, or both, you can probably just pose a couple of times and they'll be fine with it, I don't know, it's up to you." Doyoung pats his back.

"You could sing." You suggest, turning to Doyoung, "You should hear him; even in the shower, I can hear him through the walls."

"[Y/N]!" Jaehyun reprimands.

"Then you could sing! Oh! That's great! You'd be like, Troy Bolton from High School Musical. Everyone would go nuts."

You start laughing, "Coincidentally, that's his favorite movie."

Doyoung claps his hands, "Then it's settled! You'll sing for the opening?"

Jaehyun glares at you as you snigger at his predicament, "In one condition,"

"Sure, what is it?"

"Troy has a Gabriella on stage with him, right?"

You stop laughing, staring at him with wide eyes as you connect the dots. It was his turn to chuckle as Doyoung looks at you, inquisitively, "Oh okay so, [Y/N], you'll sing with him?"


"You should hear her in the shower, too-"

You stop walking, which halts them in their tracks too, "I was kidding, he can't sing. You should find someone els-"

Jaehyun's hand comes over your mouth and talks over your muffled screams, "Hey, no, we'll do it. We'll definitely do it."

Sensing your attempt in denying participation, Doyoung quickly thanks Jaehyun and runs off. When Jaehyun retracts his hand from your mouth, he merely chuckles as you grimace at him.

"Come on, it'll be fun."

"Fu - Maybe for you! I have stage fright!"

He makes a face at you, "Since when?"

"Since five minutes ago when you dragged me into this!" You groan, "You could have performed alone or forced someone else."

"No way, I'm not going to sing in front of people without you. We're revealing this hidden talent of ours together."

There's no point in trying to refute him - only because you've found it incredibly difficult to say 'no' to him the past few weeks. So you let out a dejected sigh and stare up at him, "Fine, but we're not singing any HSM song."


It's been a week of practicing the song he chose you finally agreed on and no amount of praise from your parents can convince you that your singing was good. The entire school knows by now that Mr. Jung Jaehyun is going to perform during the opening and have been trying to get you to spill on what song you're doing with him because you two only ever practice at home.

Whenever you heard Jaehyun sing in the shower, it's always muffled by the apartment walls or just his bathroom door when you bummed in his room while he bathes. You knew he could sing and hold some certain notes, you've praised him a handful of times, but somehow hearing him sing now made you uneasy; it released butterflies back into your stomach as they're already so familiar with and your heart races when he looks over at you to cue your verse.

The song selected didn't help with your overall feeling as well, at this point, you're probably more nervous about singing this song with him rather than performing it in front of hundreds of people.

"Good luck up there." Joohyun, the student council secretary, approaches the both of you while you waited behind the stage. "Oh. Jaehyun, stay on stage after the performance. The rest of the boys for the Valentine's Day date auction will go up in a bit."

"Auction?!" He exclaims that sends you into a fit of laughter.

"Didn't Doyoung tell you when he asked you to perform? As you are born on Valentine's, we couldn't possibly not include you in the line up. Besides it's just a date, there's no harm in that, right?"

"Ah, of course. Who else should be the face of Valentine's Day than Mr. Valentine's Day himself?" You patted his arm in faux consolation, "I can't wait to tell auntie."

Joohyun cocks her head at you, "I'm assuming Doyoung didn't tell you either. You're basically his counterpart, Ms. White Day."

It was Jaehyun's turn to laugh with a matching point of his finger at you and you've never hated the date of your birth more than ever.

"What?!" You screech, loud enough to halt Doyoung on stage while he and his co-host go through their spiel, "You can't do that without my consent!"

"Your date is technically for next month, but the auction is today after theirs." She motions to Jaehyun. "Don't be so mad! Think of it this way, all of the funds from the auction brings us closer to spending our senior trip to Jeju!"

Your names are being announced on stage and Joohyun is ushering up the set of stairs; the dread of performing washing over you once more and Jaehyun must have caught the color draining from your face because he reaches for your hand and squeezes it.

"Hey, it's barely a four minute song. It'll be over before we know it."

"And if my voice cracks?"

"Your voice hasn't cracked once when we practiced. You'll be fine."

You nod your head and he lets go of your hand.

"Let's welcome Mr. Valentine's Day and Ms. White Day themselves, Jaehyun and [Y/N], for their special song performance!"

The crowd erupts into a cheer - undoubtedly, for Jaehyun - as the both of you step on stage and as Doyoung passes you, you make sure he hears your threat, "You better run and hide, Doyoung, I'm going to kill you for putting me up for auction." to which he merely chuckles to.

Jaehyun watches you as you step up to the microphone stand; his ears are bright red that told you that he was just as nervous despite his calm demeanor. He waits for the crowd to settle before nodding to Kun, your friend who agreed to play the song on piano, to signal his start.

"You know I want you. It's not a secret I try to hide..."

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