ninth sign

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You miss them as soon as they leave.


"I can't believe our lil Woojae is all grown up and going on his first date." You exaggerate a sob, wiping at non-existent tears with a finger. You're bundled up in blankets on his bed, watching him get ready for the date he got auctioned off during the school fair with both your mothers baking something for him to give his date. "Don't elope and leave us, okay?"

He grimaces at you through his reflection as he towel dries his hair and has yet to put a shirt on. "Technically speaking, if dating means two people going out, then you're technically my first date. We've been on multiple dates."

"Yeah, sure, play dates when we were three are totally considered dates." You turn away to hide the heat creeping up your face and pretend to check your phone on his side table. "Hey Siri, what's dating?"

As your phone dictates the definition, you and Jaehyun stare at each other; with you smugly smiling as he rolls his eyes when the word 'romantic' comes out.

"It's just one date. I barely know her." He resumes drying his hair.

"Did you not understand Siri? You'll be getting to know her later and who knows?" You throw his blankets off and made your way to him, "Maybe you'll hit off. Maybe she's the lucky girl that gets the pleasure of being everybody's first love's actual first love."

You take some hair gel onto your palm and start working on his hair while Jaehyun watches you with an unreadable expression.

"You're reading into this too much. We're just catching a movie and grab some food - probably hit the arcade or something." He mumbled, reaching for the moisturizer you got him. "I'm still not allowed to date. Mom only let this one slide because I got auctioned off."

You push his hair back with your fingers, "I still can't believe she bought you-"

"Don't say it like that."

"I can't believe she paid for a date with you," You enunciate each syllable, "for 800 bucks, damn. The highest bid for the White day date was like 500. Lee only paid 350 for me."

"That's honestly too much for a date that would probably only cost me 50."

Satisfied with how his hair was styled, you rest your hands on his shoulders with a sigh, "800 would mean nothing if she ends up being your forever."

Jaehyun scoffs at you, shaking his head, "[Y/N], you're my forever. Lovers come and go, but you won't because I won't, right?"

"If a girl comes between us and you really love her, you'd still choose me? You don't have to sacrifice that much, Jae."

"You over anything."

You thank whoever sent a text to your phone for saving you from continuing the conversation as it rings on the other side of the room. "Wear something warm." You pat him before turning around and belly flopping onto his bed. You're distracted for the next couple of minutes as you're entertained by your other friend's gossip until Jaehyun is telling you he's leaving.

"Are you just gonna stay in my room?"

"Is that a problem?" You give his outfit a glance before letting out a fake gasp, "Are you bringing her home already?"

"No, dumbass, you just look so comfortable. I'd rather not go out today." He groans, picking out a beanie from his drawers. "But she's probably already waiting for me, so I'll see you later?"

"See ya. Have fun!" You wave at him, waiting for him to grab his phone and wallet before sauntering out. You lie on your back and close your eyes, listening to the muffled conversation between him and your mothers before hearing the front door open and close. Your chest feels constricted and there was an odd bitter taste in your mouth.

It's just a date and he's surely coming home later in the evening, but it feels like you won't be seeing him in a long time. To say you miss him already was such a stretch because you never really cared about him spending time with his other friends, but then again, this was an actual date; he'll be out with some other girl - a girl who wasn't you.

You hear your mom call your name and when you open your eyes, tears spill at the corners. You sit up quickly and wipe at them before your mom catches you, but she and Jaehyun's mom was already at the door.

"Sweetie, why are you crying?" She instantly sets the plate of cookies aside before sitting beside you.

Jaehyun's mom sits on your other side, patting your thigh, "Did you and Jaehyun fight before he left? He looked a little annoyed."

"N-no." You sniffed, "I don't... I don't know why I'm crying... but,"

You're looking around the room, willing yourself to stop crying. Your eyes stop at a picture frame he kept on the wall; a photo of the two of you back when you were 11. You remember that day because it was when he came back from America after four years but 11-year old you thought it was forever. Most kids who have been separated for that long would get awkward with each other, but with you and Jaehyun, the second your eyes met, you were both squealing and giddy; running up to each other with a hug as if you haven't seen each other in 4 days rather than years.

"Oh my god." You breathed out, putting your palms to your face.

"[Y/N], what's wrong? What happened?" The sound of concern in your mom's voice didn't help because she's obviously never seen you this distressed before.

Still weeping, you finally confessed to them, "I'm in love with him."

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