eleventh sign

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You feel like you're on a natural high when you're together.


Jaehyun didn't have basketball practice today so he was able to go home with you one afternoon; a rare occasion in the past month. To celebrate, you were able to convince (also read as 'guilt trip') him in buying you an ice cream cone.

Maybe it was the sugar from the sweet treat, but when Jaehyun pointed out the public playground to you and suggested to eat your ice cream there, you happily agreed and even bounced a little when you started to remember all your childhood memories there.

"This place used to be so much smaller." Jaehyun points out, looking around the area. Most of the equipment were new versions of what you remember when you were little with additional equipment you've never seen and a couple of exercising apparatus for adults.

There weren't any kids playing, but there was one old lady walking around the lot. You mount one of the seesaws and wait for him to sit on the opposite side. "Aw, our dads had to hold us when we played on the seesaw because we didn't weigh the same-"

"Just say I was fat, [Y/N]." He grumbles, ironically taking a huge bite of his ice cream.

"You were," You stifle a laugh, "adorably chubby. You would cry when I did because you kept weighing your side down so I was stuck in the air-oh my god! Jaehyun!"

He suddenly brings all his weight down until his seat was pressed against the ground, slyly smiling up at you as you're now suspended in the air. "What was that, [Y/N]? I didn't quite hear you."

"Jung Jaehyun!"

"Is it as high up as you remember it?" He teases, cocking his head left to right.

"Please put me down." You whine, gripping onto the handle for support. "I'm pretty sure it was way scarier for younger me, but I'm still not willing to stay up here for too long."

Jaehyun chuckles as he continues to tease you, pretending to let you down only to bring you back up. He only relented when he lost his footing and fell on his seat, practically launching you off yours. You obviously panicked, grabbing at the handles and accidentally letting go of your ice cream. When Jaehyun recovers, he lets you down and starts apologizing, but he was only able to get your pout and disappointment off your face when he gives you his cone.

"You're such a child." He comments after he throws away your spoiled snack and finds you on the swing.

"I'll only agree if you push me."

Jaehyun rolls his eyes, shaking his head in disbelief but still walks behind you to push you forward.

"Did you know our dads got in trouble with our moms because they would always see who could push us higher?" You giggle, trying to eat the parts of the ice cream Jaehyun hadn't touched. "They got worried we'd fall off."

"I'd blame my dad. He could make a competition out of the littlest things."

"And you get it from him!" You exclaim, stopping the swing with your feet to offer the rest of the ice cream, which he finishes off before resuming pushing you. "When we were a little older, they left us to push each other and you would get annoyed that I didn't push you as hard as you did for me."

"It's true though."

You scoffed, "Well, I'm sorry for being a weak little girl. At least I didn't actually push you off your seat."

He laughs at the memory, "We're stronger now, do you wanna see who can go higher?"

"Knowing exactly how strong you are... uh, not really? But whatever, let's do it!" You brace yourself on the swing and start pulling yourself back to get momentum.

"Okay, wait! Wait!" He rushes to the seat beside yours and pushes it as far as his hips can go, already giving him an advantage. "Okay, go!"

Childish laughter escapes both of you as you let yourselves swing back and forth, trying to put your weight in properly to reach higher than each other. It really felt like you were kids again and somehow you were thankful there was barely anybody around, but you ought to keep your voices down since it's almost night time and the park was already starting to open its' lights.

"Ya!" The old lady you had spotted early calls out to the two of you, "Be careful!"

"Sorry!" Jaehyun skids his swing to a stop and you follow suit. "We'll be more careful."

"You youngin's might be in love, but that doesn't mean you have to be reckless!"

"We're not-" You both try to correct her, but stop halfway when you realized you were talking at the same time; you look down to your feet and blush while Jaehyun continues to inform the old lady about their actual relationship.

"My sight might be bad, but I'm not blind! You two take care of yourselves now, it's getting late." She yells before ambling out of the park.

You and Jaehyun stay silent for a minute, staring at the retreating figure of the lady before sharing a look with one another and bursting into snickers; biting down on your lips to contain your voices.

"Let's go home?" He offers, standing up and dusting off his bottom.

"Yeah, come on." You stand up as well, mischievously smiling at him, "I'll race ya." You giggle before speeding off, leaving a distraught Jaehyun.

"What is with you today?!" He cries, nevertheless chases after you with a breathy chuckle of his own.

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