fifth sign

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You feel nervous or a sense of anxiety in their presence.


"Do you ever think you train too much?" You muse out loud as you approach Jaehyun on the court. He had been dribbling the basketball in his hand, trying to catch his breath after running after it when it bounced off the ring.

"I'm not training." He huffs, using his free hand to push back his sweat-drenched locks. "I'm just bored."

It was exam week soon, which meant all co-curricular activities and groups were halted to make way for students to study. You were at the library all day, photocopying all the reading material needed for your exams and chanced upon Jaehyun in the open gym as you headed out.

"You're not going to study?"

Jaehyun shrugs, "I'm better off reviewing a day before. Play with me."

"No. You just wanna win with your height and experience advantage." You complained, although you were already putting your bag down on the floor.

"I promise to let you win at least once." He passes you the ball and cheekily grins at you.



It's not a formal game of basketball and you're not sure how his point system works, but you're sure you are in no way winning with the measly 4 baskets you've made compared to his multiple ones.

"Jaehyun, this is unfair!" You scream, throwing the ball at the ring like a child.

This makes him laugh as he chases after the ball when it barely grazed the ring's net. "Maybe if you play properly-"

"I don't care for proper form when I am clearly at a disadvantage." You grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest and glare at him.

"You'd be a little less advantaged if you just do it properly. C'mere." He walks behind you and takes your hands, guiding you hold the ball above your head.

You're overcome with a sense of dread, almost like a feeling of panic at the sudden close proximity between the two of you. You could feel his body heat on your back and smell his musky deodorant as his arms were positioned by your head.

He stretches both your limbs and assists you in shooting the ball into the hoop, not letting go of you until the basket was made. "See? Easy."

"That's because I don't have a giant trying to block me." You clear your throat, putting your arms down that made him retract his own. You turn to look at him, a little dazed once more at how close he was to you despite having many moments as if personal space didn't exist between you. Catching yourself, you scoff, "Is this how you flirt with your girls?"

Jaehyun laughs, "I don't have girls. I have you,"

You feel your pulse pick up at his words.

"And mom."

Just like that, you feel dejected. Rolling your eyes, you scowl at him, "You look like a glazed donut."


"But smell like week-old leftovers." You add as you walk towards your stuff on the floor.

He makes an indignant sound, "Well, I guess it's time for hugs, huh?"

"What? No!" You look back at him in a panic, but he was already an arms' length away and trapping you in his sweaty hold.

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