twelfth sign

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You can see yourself having children with this person.


You never turned down an opportunity to babysit your younger cousins or nieces/nephews when your relatives ever offered it. You always thought it would be great practice for when you get a job, but also, you just loved your baby relatives so much.

"Thanks to for doing this, [Y/N]. I'm sure you have homework to do." Your older cousin hugs you while her triplets run into the apartment, screaming.

"I honestly don't mind. I miss them either way." You shrug her worry off, looking back at your nephews when they start a game of tag around the living room.

"Here's some allowance for all four of you. Don't give them too much sweets before dinner, okay?"

With a few more reminders and reassuring, your cousin leaves with one last kiss on each of her sons' heads.

"Did you guys miss me?" You call out to your 6 year old nephews, kneeling on the ground to welcome them as they run into your arms. "So what do you guys want to do first?"

Three consecutive hours of playing with your nephews later, you're starting to think you can't keep up with them as they switch from pretending to be monsters to being your little elves, you've never felt an actual age gap between your generations.

The doorbell rings and you're hoping it's the pizza you ordered a while ago so it could satiate your nephews long enough for you to recharge your energy. You run to your door, counting the exact change to pay, but when you open the door, it's Jaehyun.

"Hey." He greets, "I've been hearing kids all morning and I thought maybe the noises from the other neighbors were just seeping through but," He looks past you and smile at your nephews as they animatedly argue about who gets to be prince. "I didn't bother to think you had relatives over."

"You're not pizza, but I'm really glad you're here." You groan, dramatically falling into his arms. "They're draining me, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't do this alone."

Jaehyun laughs, "Alright, alright, I'll hang with you guys."

The second your nephews catch sight of Jaehyun, they all pause to stare at him; and if they hadn't simultaneously called him out, you were both ready to freak out.

"There's a fairy in [Y/N]'s house!"

"No! He's a prince!"

"[Y/N], is he your boyfriend?"

You choke out a resounding 'no' at the last assumption, just loud enough to surprise yourself. "This is my best friend, Jaehyun, and he's going to play with us, okay?"

"Hello! So what do you guys wanna play?"

Your nephews are so captivated by Jaehyun, you were almost jealous. Only thirty minutes in, you built them a blanket fort in the living room, large enough to fit all five of you (or at least make sure all 6 feet of Jaehyun fit if he curled up a little.)

After the pizza came and all three boys have been fed and prepped to nap, Jaehyun volunteered to read them a story while you cleaned up a bit outside the fort. When you came back, you could feel the scene in front of you pull your heartstrings; all three of your nephews, cuddling each other and surrounding Jaehyun while he continues to softly recites a story from his phone. He could pass off as a really young dad to them.

You gently crawl over to the space meant for you, shooting Jaehyun a small smile as the last of the triplets lets out a big yawn before finally drifting off to sleep on his lap. "Maybe you should be a teacher."

"Me?" He chuckles, brushing his fingers over the triplet's fringes.

"Teacher Jaehyun sounds just as nice as Teacher [Y/N]."

"I guess."

You had the question floating in your head and you had no intention of asking it, but it flew out of your mouth before you could stop yourself. "Do you want kids?"

He hums a bit, "Yeah, I do. Eventually, I guess. I always imagine having at least one girl and one boy... you? Do you want kids?"

"Yeah," You paused, glancing back at him for a few seconds before looking away to avoid him catching you, "Definitely."

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