chapter 3 - We're Being Punked, Lyla

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From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", there was a shot of the school.

Lyla: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Legacies)."

From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", in Lindsey/Ryan's office, Kaylin, Nicola, Lindsey, Tory, Luke and Ryan were explaining to Owen and Landon.

"You're a school for magic?" Owen asked.

"We're a school for the supernatural, which covers a lot of territory," Tory answered.

From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", outside the school.

"Welcome to the Salvatore School," Lizzie greeted.

From 1.02 "Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn", in Emma and Ariara's dorm room, Ariara was alone, seeing an artistic drawing of her kingdom and another of her family, looking like she could cry from missing them so much. She looked at another picture of Ariara with Kacie and Mikayla, and another of her with Lyla, Hope, Rae, Emma, Danny and Madison to make herself feel better, though it wasn't working much.

Ariara: (voice over from 1.02 Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn) "No one wants to be friends with an ex royalty supernatural princess from Kiesha'ra, a freak that can turn into a lion, golden eagle, snake animal, but can't even control her own transformations because of what happened to me back there, and the only reason I don't turn every time I get even a little worked up is because Kacie had Tory make me a bracelet to where I could control it."

From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", in the school kitchen, Penelope sat on the counter, looking at Ariara. "If you were actually ever a princess back in your so called kingdom before it was wiped out, when Mikayla and Kacie found the remains of the kingdom and saved you before taking you in and bringing you here."

From 1.02 "Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn", in the school, Ariara and MG were talking.

Ariara shrugged. "Lizzie's nemesis Dana liking you might make her jealous though. If she actually likes you."

"You really think that it could make Lizzie like me?" MG asked.

"Nothing can make her like you," Ariara answered. "But it might make it a little clearer if she ever could."

MG nodded in understanding and agreement. "What about you? You're totally crushing on Josie, Ariara."

"I don't need a relationship like you do now," Ariara told him. "I'd rather not be in one right now. But yes, I admit it. I do like her."

From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", in the werewolf facility, Madison/Owen and Hope/Landon kissed.

Madison: (voice over from 1.02 Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn) "Landon and Owen were inside the walls of this school because of us."

From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", in the library and on the bus, Owen was seen looking at the knife.

Madison: (voice over from 1.02 Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn) "Owen had access to the knife he stole because of me."

From 1.02 "Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn", in the library, Ryan realized what the monster was. "She's a dragon."

From 1.02 "Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn", in the woods, Tory and Hope started to chant with Emma, reading the spell off the paper, while Rae used her power to hold off the fire that the dragon was blowing at them.

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