chapter 12 - There's a Mummy On Main Street

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From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", there was a shot of the Salvatore School.

Nicola: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Legacies)."

From 1.08 "Maybe I Should Start From the End", in Tory/Luke's office, Tory and Hope sat on either side of the desk. Hope put the urn on the desk. The urn started to glow red.

Lindsey: (voice over from 1.09 What Was Emma Doing In Your Dream?) "We came into possession of another Malivore artifact."

From 1.02, 1.03, 1.04, 1.05, 1.06, 1.07, 1.08, 1.09, 1.10, 1.11, there were flashes of the Dragon, the gargoyle, the Arachne, the Dryad, the Necromancer and his zombies, the Mer Man and shadow monster, the Oneiroi, Ablah the Jinni, and the mind control slugs.

Kaylin: (voice over from 1.08 Maybe I Should Start From the End) "Now monsters that shouldn't exist have been coming after it."

From 1.07 "Death Keeps Knocking On My Door", outside the school, the Bennett witch magically transported the knife to Malivore.

Lizzie: (voice over from 1.10 There's a World Where Your Dreams Come True) "Ariara, you and Rae got bamboozled by Rosalita and one of the monsters."

From 1.10 "There's a World Where Your Dreams Come True", in the school, Lizzie was venting to Ariara, Madison and Josie. "And now only two keys separate the entire supernatural community from being consumed by a hell portal."

From 1.08 "Maybe I Should Start From the End", outside Seylah's house, Kaylin, Nicola, Rae, Hope and Madison met Clarke, while he and Triad were posing as a gas company.

"What's going on here?" Nicola asked.

"Gas leak," Clarke lied. "Don't worry, though, we have it under control."

From 1.04 "I Felt Like Launching the Revolution", in the old mill, when Ariara and Josie were both trapped by the Arachne's webs, Josie leaned forward to kiss Ariara, who was clearly taken by surprise, though she kissed back, and their lips glowed bright red as Josie siphoned some magic from Ariara.

Josie: (voice over from 1.06 Mombie Dearest) "There's this girl that I know that likes me, and that I used too have a huge crush on, but I can't be with because it would cause trouble with Lizzie, so..."

From 1.06 "Mombie Dearest", in Alaric's office, Jo frowned in confusion. "Does Lizzie know that you like this girl?"

Josie's eyes widened in alarm as the thought of Lizzie finding out. "No. That would be bad."

From 1.06 "Mombie Dearest", outside the school, Ariara and Penelope were both dressed up fancily for the twins's birthday party, arguing.

"The reason why Josie would never be with you is because of Lizzie," Penelope told her.

Ariara looked at her in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

From 1.11 "We're Gonna Need a Spotlight", in the school, kitchen, Infected Lyla's eyes started to glow green. She went to Lindsey and Ryan's office to siphon the spell off the safe to get the urn, leaving the school.

From 1.11 "We're Gonna Need a Spotlight", on the bridge, Lyla walked up to the railing of the bridge, looking at the urn. "Stupid urn. I hate you. Buh-bye."

Lyla held the urn in her hands for a moment, throwing it over the railing, down into the water below, watching it be carried away by the current.


Day One

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