chapter 4 - I Felt Like Launching the Revolution

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From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", there was a shot of the school.

Emma: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Legacies)."

From 1.02 "Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn", outside the school, Lindsey and Ryan stood at the gate.

Lindsey turned to look out through the bars of the gate, and as she was speaking, there was a flash of Rae losing control to Rosalita in 1.01, the dragon in 1.02, and the gargoyle in 1.03. "How are we supposed to protect them from a monster inside Rae's head and from stuff that's not supposed to exist?"

From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", in the werewolf facility, Madison/Owen and Hope/Landon kissed.

Madison: (voice over from 1.02 Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn) "Landon and Owen were inside the walls of this school because of us."

From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", in the library and on the bus, Owen was seen looking at the knife.

Madison: (voice over from 1.02 Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn) "Owen had access to the knife he stole because of me."

From 1.02 "Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn", in the woods, Emma tossed the knife to Rafael. Rafael stabbed the knife into the dragon's throat.

Alaric: (voice over from 1.03 We're Being Punked, Lyla) "Whoever wields it has the power to save the world."

From 1.03 "We're Being Punked, Lyla", in Lindsey/Ryan's office, Alaric looked at Kaylin, Nicola and Lindsey. "Or end all life as we know it."

From 1.03 "We're Being Punked, Lyla", in the woods, Rafael smirked, shaking his head. "There's nothing going on between me and Emma."

Landon looked at Owen. "Did you believe that?"

Owen shook his head. "I didn't believe that."

From 1.03 "We're Being Punked, Lyla", in Town Square, Hope, Emma, Madison and Josie were walking.

Emma looked pensive. "I wonder where Rafael, Owen and Landon are right now."

Madison smirked knowingly. "Mm, why is that, Emma? Is it because you might have a little hate/interest thing with Rafael."

"What the hell are you talking about, Madison?" Emma asked.

"You looked jealous when Josie mentioned Lizzie having dibs on Rafael, and we've seen the way that you bickered with him," Madison told her. "You can't deny it this time."

Emma scoffed. "I can deny it every time. I don't like Rafael."

"Just because you deny it doesn't mean that we buy it," Madison teased.

From 1.02 "Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn", in the school, Ariara and MG were talking.

"You really think that it could make Lizzie like me?" MG asked.

"Nothing can make her like you," Ariara answered. "But it might make it a little clearer if she ever could."

MG nodded in understanding and agreement. "What about you? You're totally crushing on Josie, Ariara."

"I don't need a relationship like you do now," Ariara told him. "I'd rather not be in one right now. But yes, I admit it. I do like her."

From 1.03 "We're Being Punked, Lyla", in the school library, Ariara scoffed softly. "I'm not crazy, Lindsey."

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