chapter 2 - Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn

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From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", there was a shot of the school.

Tory: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Legacies)."

From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", outside the school.

"Welcome to the Salvatore School," Lizzie greeted.

"I'm Josie," Josie introduced herself.

Lizzie nodded. "I'm Lizzie. Sisters."

From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", in Lindsey/Ryan's office, Kaylin, Nicola, Lindsey, Tory, Luke and Ryan were explaining to Owen and Landon.

"You're a school for magic?" Owen asked.

"We're a school for the supernatural, which covers a lot of territory," Tory answered.

From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", in the library, Nicola looked at Owen. "You know, two years ago, when you thanked me for saving your life as a kid, when we were with Elijah, I was going through a pretty dark phase."

"It was after Rosalita had destroyed our lives some more, and made us lose some people, and she had controlled the Huntress inside of Aunt Nikki," Madison explained. "And she thought that she couldn't control herself and thought of herself as a monster that didn't deserve forgiveness."

"And hearing you say that you thought of me like a hero... it changed everything for me back then," Nicola admitted. "I might have saved your life, but you also saved me from a very dark part of mine."

From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", on the field, Rae's eyes were glowing with Hellfire, and veins of Hellfire were glowing beneath her skin as she struggled to contain it and calm down. Danny and Ariara led Rae away at a run to get her away from everyone to try and calm her down and so that when she lashed out, no one would get hurt.

Josie: (voice over from 1.01 This is the Part Where You Run) "Rae loses control a lot like that because of this immortal being inside of her, a psychic spirit locked away so she can't cause any harm."

From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", in the school's kitchen, Rae had to release an anguished psychic scream that shattered all of the windows in the room and threw the room into chaos. All of the dishes shattered in the cupboards. She waved her arms, summoning a ball of Hellfire into her hands, holding her head in agony as she fought to control Rosalita inside her, her eyes glowing with Hellfire. She had to scream again, making the Hellfire soar out through the broken windows up into the sky to make sure that it couldn't hurt anyone. Hearing someone walking into the room behind her, Rae turned around, holding out her arm, shooting Hellfire from her hand toward Kaylin, Tory, Lyla and Nicola, stopping the Hellfire before it could kill them.

Rae: (voice over from 1.01 This is the Part Where You Run) "Maybe it's just better for everyone to stay away from me, Danny. I almost killed Mom, Aunt Nikki, Tory and Lyla. I don't want to hurt anyone."

From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", in the school, Danny stood. "Rae, don't push us away. We can help you."

Rae looked at him skeptically. "Have you told Lindsey, Ryan and Emma that you've still been seeing visions of what Rosalita seared into your brain? Did you tell them, or your uncle and aunt Tory and Luke so that they could help you stop losing control of your shifting because of the visions and PTSD from what she did to you?" Danny didn't answer. "Danny, how can you help me when you won't even get help for yourself?"

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