chapter 14 - Let's Just Finish the Dance

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From 1.08 "Maybe I Should Start From the End", outside Seylah's Corner Coffee, Landon and Owen looked inside to see Seylah serving customers.

Rae: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Legacies)."

From 1.08 "Maybe I Should Start From the End", in Tory/Luke's office, Tory and Hope sat across from each other at Tory's desk.

"Kaylin, Aunt Nikki, Rae and Madison, Owen and Landon, they don't remember a thing about Seylah," Hope explained. "I can lie to Owen and Landon about all of this, and I can make it easier on Kaylin, Aunt Nikki, Rae and Madison, to where I don't have to tell them the truth and make sure that they don't feel guilty about keeping this from Owen and Landon, so that they can stay protected. And Luke, Lindsey, Ryan, Emma, Danny, Ariara and Lyla can stay in the dark so they're not put in an awkward position, but I'm sorry, Tory, I just have to talk to someone about this. I can't lie to you."

From 1.08 "Maybe I Should Start From the End", in Triad headquarters, Seylah took a swan dive right into the black pit of Malivore, being erased.

Rae: (voice over from 1.08 Maybe I Should Start From the End) "Literal pit of doom."

From 1.08 "Maybe I Should Start From the End", in the motel room, Hope explained to Owen and Landon. "That consumes creatures and wipes their existence from the collective conscience."

From 1.05 "Malivore", in the school gym, Lizzie confronted Penelope. "What did I ever do to make you hate me so much?"

Penelope walked closer. "It's about how you treat Josie. She spends all of her energy taking care of you. Oh, she won't ever burn your world down. So I will do it for her."

From 1.12 "There's a Mummy on Main Street", in Madison/Lizzie/Josie's dorm room, they, Hope and Rae were talking.

"You had a crush on Ariara, and Hope before you got over that crush when you met Ariara?" Madison asked.

"Of course I did," Josie answered. "Who wouldn't?" She looked even guiltier. "And Penelope found out about this somehow, and she told Ariara that even though I might have liked her, I would never be with her, because of Lizzie, and this is why. And she made it seem like no matter what, I would choose Penelope over her, even when I hated Penelope. And Ariara admitted that she liked the thought that she liked me knowing that I wouldn't be with her, because it was her form of self-punishment for not being able to save her kingdom. The other Natas. Just don't tell her yet, okay? Or Lyla, Emma and Danny, because I want to be the one to tell Ariara."

From 1.13 "The Kids Who Still Have a Lot of Good to Do", in the school, Tory, Lindsey, Luke and Ryan had brought Rafael and Ariara back to the school, having them sitting down. Kaylin, Nicola, Rae, Hope, Madison, Emma, Danny and Lyla walked closer worriedly.

"We know what's going on with them," Luke told them. "It's the same thing that was happening to Ariara when Kacie and Mikayla first brought her to the school two years ago. The reason why she was having so many issues until they and Eliza found that remedy for her."

"What?" Lyla asked.

"Shifting psychosis in Ariara's case," Ryan answered. "Lunar psychosis in Rafael's."

Ariara's lip quivered as she tried to focus her mind enough. "This condition... it means that our minds are in flux, trapped between animal and human states, making it harder to bridge the gap and access our memories like we normally would. Shifting would become a problem as we've seen with me."

From 1.13 "The Kids Who Still Have a Lot of Good to Do", in the school hallway, Kaylin, Nicola, Tory, Rae, Hope, Emma, Danny, Madison and Lyla were talking.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2020 ⏰

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