chapter 7 - Death Keeps Knocking on My Door

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From 1.01 "This is the Part Where You Run", there was a shot of the school.

Ariara: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Legacies)."

From 1.02 "Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn", outside the school, Lindsey and Ryan stood at the gate.

Lindsey turned to look out through the bars of the gate, and as she was speaking, there was a flash of Rae losing control to Rosalita in 1.01 & 1.03, the dragon in 1.02, the gargoyle in 1.03, the Arachne in 1.04, the Dryad in 1.05, the zombies and the Necromancer in 1.06. "How are we supposed to protect them from a monster inside Rae's head and from stuff that's not supposed to exist?"

From 1.04 "I Felt Like Launching the Revolution", in the school kitchen, Kaleb was shouting at MG. "Hell, they even make rules about how we're supposed to eat!"

MG, having reached his limit of patience, raised his voice, pointing to the fridge. "There's blood bags in that refrigerator right there!"

From 1.04 "I Felt Like Launching the Revolution", in the gym, Rafael took a deep breath. "I killed my girlfriend. It was an accident. I was behind the wheel and I lost control. When I woke up, I was in the hospital. Landon and Owen had to tell me that she was dead, and I don't know anything else."

From 1.06 "Mombie Dearest", in Alaric's office, Jo and Alaric embrace.

"Are you happy?" Jo asked.

Alaric, overwhelmed with emotion, choked back tears. "Caroline and I haven't been happy in a really long time. But I am happy right now... in the arms of my demon-possessed baby mama."

From 1.06 "Mombie Dearest", in Madison, Lizzie and Josie's dorm room, Josie and Lizzie closed their eyes, and their hands started to glow red as they siphoned the magic from their biological mother. After a moment, she faded into dust, leaving the girls with their hands out trying to reach her.

From 1.06 "Mombie Dearest", in the school hallway, Kacie, Mikayla and Ariara were talking.

"I liked being alone, because I wasn't ready to move on, not after what happened with Xavier and everyone else in my kingdom," Ariara told them. "My family. I'm trying to move on, but..."

"But it's hard," Kacie finished. "We know."

"Come here," Mikayla told her.

Ariara, Kacie and Mikayla shared a sad embrace.

From 1.05 "Malivore", in Mikayla's cabin, Mikayla looked at the Dryad. "The monsters come one at a time."

Later, the others were with them.

"I found myself not far from here, with an urge to possess that knife," the Dryad explained.

"And who told you this?" Tory asked.

From 1.06 "Mombie Dearest", in the cemetery, The Necromancer introduced himself to Alaric, Lindsey, Ryan, Kaylin and Nicola. "The Necromancer!"

Alaric became furious as he glared at the monster in front of him. "If you're the one responsible for what went down today... you're gonna wish you were someone else."

The Necromancer scoffed. "I told you, death cannot hold me."

Kaylin walked closer. "Oh, yeah?" She rushed over to snap the Necromancer's neck, letting him fall to the ground, smirking. "We'll see about that."

Alaric, Lindsey, Ryan, Kaylin and Nicola exchanged a look, looking at the Necromancer's body, smirking.

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