chapter 13 - The Kids Who Still Have a Lot of Good to Do

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From 1.07 "Death Keeps Knocking On My Door", in the school, MG and Kaleb were talking.

Lindsey: (voice over) "Previously on Worlds Colliding (Legacies)."

From 1.07 "Death Keeps Knocking On My Door", in the cemetery woods, MG bared his fangs, biting into the boy's neck, starting to feed.

MG: (voice over from 1.07 Death Keeps Knocking on My Door) "Feed me blood, feed me whatever it takes."

Kaleb started to get worried. "MG, dude's not that big, okay? That's enough." Kaleb tried to get MG to stop. "MG, okay, calm down. MG, get back."

Kaleb tried to pull MG off, but MG elbowed him in the face, making him fall down, continuing to feed, almost ripping the boy's throat out. Nicola rushed up behind MG, pulling him off the boy easily with her Huntress strength, snapping his neck, letting him fall unconscious.

Nicola: (voice over from 1.07 Death Keeps Knocking on My Door) "A Ripper is a vampire who is driven by obsession."

From 1.07 "Death Keeps Knocking On My Door", in the school library, Nicola looked at Kaleb. "A Ripper will feed until there is nothing left to feed on, and then they'll move on to the next, and the next. And you know how I know all this? Because I am one, and Stefan used to be, and so did his wife Alex, even when we tried our hardest not to be. And if I'm taking bets, Milton Greasley is one too."

From 1.05 "Malivore", outside the school, Nicola, Hope, Rae, Kaylin and Madison were managing the supernatural tests for Owen and Landon.

Kaylin was just stunned and exasperated. "Why is Owen showing a lot of supernatural abilities, and Landon is showing like, zero?"

Later, Lindsey and Ryan were talking to them.

"Owen and Landon are real brothers," Ryan explained. "But Owen has like two other bloodlines in his system."

"Well, if Owen has two other lineages different than Landon's, it explains why Owen is showing supernatural abilities and why Landon isn't," Madison told them.

"So what does that mean?" Nicola asked. "I mean, if Owen has two other lineages different than the one he shares with Landon, and Owen's blood is bursting with magical traces, but Landon has none?"

"We don't know yet," Lindsey admitted.

"Which means you need to find out more about Owen and Landon's past," Ryan told them.

From 1.12 "There's a Mummy on Main Street", in Tory/Luke's office, Tory, Luke, Lyla, Kaylin and Nicola were talking.

Nicola sighed. "Ric, Lizzie, Josie, Kaylin, Rae, Hope, Madison and I can go on the trip. Tory, Luke, if you, Lindsey and Ryan want to stay back here with Danny, Emma, Lyla and Ariara and try and help Kaleb, I think that's a good thing. So I definitely think it's a good idea to work with them, one at a time. I can try and help MG again when I get back, you know, Ripper to Ripper. We've been doing that for a while, but not as long as I would like."

From 1.12 "There's a Mummy on Main Street", in Emma and Ariara's dorm room, Ariara was looking at the sketch of her family sadly, touching the face of Acqulina, then Ahish, then Acilino, then Arlette, remembering her pleasant, close family moment with her family before the war had gotten them killed.

Tory: (voice over from 1.12 There's a Mummy on Main Street) "Ariara's upset lately because of the anniversary of the other Natas dying is coming up soon. So we figured that if Ariara's helping us, at least she's distracted, and she won't have a high chance of losing control."

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