Chapter 9

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Eighty-nine days! The doctors told Lee that's how long she's been in a coma, and how the accident broke her pelvis, fractured her ribs, and parts of her skull. Yet, Lee is becoming overwhelmed right now by so many people in the room. As she looked around, she realized she's in a big room, which doesn't look like a hospital room but more of a penthouse that's been advertised by her company. There's an office set up on one corner, complete with tables and chairs, a phone, a fax machine, and a printer? It looks like someone has been working here, and as she looks at the man, Lee thought if it could be him?

There's just so many people looking at her and talking almost at the same time, she feels tired and overwhelmed. Aside from several nurses, there are so many people in white lab gowns! They were introduced as her anesthesiologist, a cardiologist, then the surgeon that operated on her, a neurologist, a critical care medicine specialist (what?), a pain management specialist (is this for real?), an allergist (again, what?), and an emergency medicine specialist (seriously?). 

"Why do I have so many doctors? Was the accident that bad?", Lee demanded.

"Oh no, it wasn't that bad. I mean, the accident itself was bad, but the doctors are on me. I hired them and the others for second opinions and to check on your condition", the man explained.

The doctors one by one spoke of medicines and aftercare instructions but her brain is not picking up on the details. She is having information overload right now, and the man looked at her and seeing her panic, asked everyone to leave and let her rest.

"Are you okay? I mean, do you need anything? Do you want to eat something? Your dietician will send up your tray in a while, but do you need anything?" he asked again.

"Can I have a glass of water again?", Lee answered.

"Of course you may, but just like what the doctors said earlier, just small sips okay? Allow me..." Jaith felt so relieved at the doctor's diagnosis of Miss Diaz, he almost smiled at her.

"Thank you", Lee said when she finished drinking. "Why are you here? And why are you being nice to me? What happened? Did you just wake up one day and realized you like me?", Lee demanded, wanting to know what caused his change of heart.

"I'm sorry if we started on the wrong foot", Jaith said. "If I knew it would come to this, I wouldn't have been so rude to you and for that I'm sorry", he continued. "You have been in a coma for almost three months, a lot of things happened while you were sleeping. For one, I already met your family and my grandmother and sister both have come to visit you. Our company's Board of Directors were already informed about your situation and our pending union. The only thing that's not settled yet is our actual marriage".

Lee tried to sit up straight, too shocked to hear those words from him. "Wait, just wait. Did you agree on all of these while I was lying here defenseless, never knowing if I'll be able to wake up? Did all of you considered what my opinion will be like if I am fully capacitated?", she cried out loud. 

"You knew already my answer to that Lee", the man said.

"Oh, so it's Lee now? First name basis huh? Have we become close lately? Did something happen between us while I was sleeping?", Lee laughed bitterly.

"Let me introduce myself then. I'm Jaith Rodiya, I'm thirty-two years old, a businessman and I came from Sri Lanka", the man paused. "As I said, at first I was appalled to the idea of an arranged marriage, especially to someone much younger than me and one I never knew. You saw and you've experienced my reaction to that piece of information. But having your family reunited with mine, witnessing the reunion was cathartic - like everything fell into place and just like the famous cliche: it sort of healed old wounds. I have never seen my grandmother so alive and so ready each morning to meet with yours. She's been sickly for as long as I remember, and my sister who shies away from people is now talking non-stop with your sister Jiya". 

Jaith walked towards me and looked at me in the eye, then asked: "Do you want me to take away all of their new-found happiness?" He continued, "Even your mom, who's always been aloof and cold when I just got here, is now more relaxed and has started baking, much to your father's delight. Tell me, Lee, what would you have done if our situation is reversed?", he finally asked.

"Am I to feel sorry for you? For all I know, you just went along with this because you want your company's share to be whole again! I mean, I bet you didn't even sacrifice anything. You just decided to play along because you knew you will get the upper-hand", Lee replied accusingly.

"That's enough!", shouted Jaith. "I'll let you vent out today because I know you are tired and haven't grasp everything yet. But let us be clear on this: you are not the only one doing the compromise here. Do you want to know what I sacrificed the most? I've let go of a long-time relationship for you and this arrangement. I have ended a six years relationship with a decent woman because when I commit to anything, I don't want to divide my attention and I always give it my 100%. I hurt her because I want to give this partnership a chance. Think about that. " Then Jaith walked out of the room and left.

If Jaith thought that by leaving the room, Lee would be able to understand it all, he's mistaken. All Lee could feel about right now is confusion, even as closed her eyes as sleep claimed her again.

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