Chapter 15

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Lee's brain is again going overboard. Absence doesn't make the heart grow fonder! That is one bullshit stuff! It's been eight weeks since she was discharged from the hospital. Eight weeks of going through the process of rejection, sadness, and now she's in a state of rage. It's an understatement to say that no breakable thing can be seen within their household. She has thrown all that she can throw and have broken everything that she lays her hands on. Of course, she was forced to come home because her family found out, her apartment became too risky to live in with all the destroyed furniture and all the shredded pieces of housewares they can find.

The eight weeks were partly spent in rehab as she worked with a physical therapist to correct her broken right leg. She has been going to therapy and she really didn't want to, but she keeps up with appearances whenever her grandmother is around. Now, she can walk with minimal limp but for the foreseeable future, she lost the option to wear all her favorite high heels. Those fucking heels that she loves to pair with her jeans. Those were the only fixation she has! She doesn't like makeup and bags or dresses. She just loves shoes and those with wedges and heels - and now it's no use to her.

Lee can't seem to stop thinking about Jaith. And where is he now? Huh? How dare he come into her life, causing all those chaos and left without saying goodbye. She went through hell and back - and have risked her life all because he was involved with someone when he came calling. If roles were reversed, would she also go through all of that to keep Jaith from marrying someone? She can't think straight, she's been getting a migraine. All those time she willed herself to never give up because she thought of him waiting for her. And he rescued her! She saw him before she passed out. She heard him cried for her. Why? Why did he leave without saying goodbye? 

Her father doesn't want to even mention Jaith's name! What could he have done? She can't go anywhere with bodyguards following her, and what can she do? She can't even run. Pity!

Sure Jaith is handsome like in a greek-god kind of way. And he's tall and strong and sharp and intelligent too. He is brave and funny and... she hates him! There are days that she had shouted all the obscenities and profanities she can muster. And there are days when she doesn't even have the strength to get out of bed. She thinks she will never be able to get back to her old self again. That she's just too broken and angry to care. That she's too tired to even try.

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