Chapter 10

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"Hi, there big brother!", Daniya greeted Jaith. "If you must know, Lee will be discharged from the hospital today. Jiya told me that she's going home straight to her apartment".

"What? Is she mad?! Why would she choose to live alone when she can barely move around? That woman is so stubborn, she's out of her mind!", Jaith asserted.

"Oh, I don't know about being stubborn. I know someone who has the same level of hard-headedness, you know". Daniya laughingly said. "I couldn't wait to see you married and settled in one house with her". 

"Stop teasing me. Let me ask why you're taking this all smoothly like it's not a surprise to you? Did you know about this, the arrangement, and all?" Jaith asked his sister.

"Of course I know, silly", Daniya answered. "Grandmother has been telling us that story for years, only you, have no time to sit down and listen properly. All you ever think about is tea. You would go on for days, muttering about how tea buds must be picked by hand. You were so set on making sure that this is done every seven to fourteen days before the tea leaves grow too tough. You've always been smart, so we thought you would catch up". His sister finally looks at him straight in the eye and exclaimed, "She's a match for you Jaith, I just know. You've been different these last three months, entirely a new level of different - a good one, if I may say so".

"I don't know about a match, you know we fought the last time I was at the hospital a week ago. I'm beginning to wonder if I just give her family the share owned to them. I mean, the contract is legal and by doing this, we can go on with our lives and be happy", Jaith explained.

"The question is, will you truly be happy?" Daniya continued, "You were so bent on making her comfortable and I saw how you came to care for her. And look at you this week, you were so moody and always barking orders that even grandmother keeps her distance. Admit it Jaith, you are miserable without seeing her. You weren't like that even when you broke up with Anya, and to think you guys were together on and off for like six years". 

His sister got up and hugged him. "Just think things over, okay? I don't want to see you this sad, you know. I have an art exhibit to attend to, so I can't stay. Just, go visit Lee now", his sister continued cheering him. 

His sister left an hour ago and alone now, Jaith thought about what she said. He knows there was a semblance of truth to what Daniya said. It's true that he haven't felt even half as bad when he broke up with his ex-girlfriend. Jaith finally stood up having decided that he will see Lee and make her realize how good they will be for each other. 

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