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I don't know exactly what I'm looking at, but I assume it's Watford. It's a pretty nice school. I wish I could've gone here, but of course, I'm not a mage. I'm a Normal. A cursed Normal, but still a Normal.
I follow Penny through the gates and towards the school. I notice Baz reach for Simon's hand and know that they're not happy to be here. I can see it on their faces. Simon's, at least. Baz's face is a mask of stone, unreadable. I'm not sure what kind of trouble we're getting into, but I don't really care. I often throw myself into dangerous situations. Some people call it recklessness, but I call it Endangerment for the Greater Good that is Knowledge. That sounds better than recklessness; it's much less insulting.
As we explore the school grounds, we see that nothing seems to be wrong. I'm starting to think Penny was given false information. That's fine. I kind of liked getting to see Watford. Most Normals never see anything magickal in their lives. I've seen a lot of magic in my lifetime and I'm very proud of that.
"The school is unharmed," Penny points out. Her eyebrows are furrowed and she has her hands on her hips. I listen to the sound of children running around and yelling at one another. I'm assuming the eleven-year-olds are making the most noise, since they're the youngest. Some people are sitting on blankets on the grass, eating lunch together. This school is amazing; everything about it seems perfect.
"You make that seem like a bad thing," Simon jokes. Penny laughs, but it doesn't sound real.
"My mother wouldn't lie to me,"she says.
"She told you this?" Baz inquires.
Penny nods, taking another look around, searching for any sign of danger. "Are we too late?"
"If we were too late, people would be dead," Baz says. "And the school would be destroyed." Baz pauses for a moment. "I'm alright with this place being destroyed. I'd let it burn if I could."
    Penny looks at him, disgust plain on her face. "You pretty much grew up here, Baz."
    Baz grins. "Exactly."
    She shakes her head. "I'll never understand you."
    Baz ignores her and walks ahead with Simon. Penny doesn't try to keep up with them. She keeps her distance, giving them space. I try to keep up with her, hoping that maybe she'll talk to me. Of course, she doesn't. I'm alright with that. I can just look around and take in my surroundings.
    We enter the school and go to the headmistress's office. Apparently, the headmistress is Penny's mother. I look around the room, examining all of the portraits. Most of them are paintings of Natasha Grimm-Pitch. I don't know why she's so important, but there are portraits of her hanging all around the office.
    The chair that I assume is normally occupied by Penny's mother is empty. I see the worried look on Penny's face and know that something is wrong.
    "She should be here," Penny said, biting her lip. "Why isn't she here?"
    She turns to face Simon and Baz, barely trying to hide her panic. I feel bad for her. I barely know this girl, but I hate the idea of people losing someone that's important to them. It's often a source of great pain and I'd hate to see Penny in pain. I'd hate to see anyone in pain. Unless they deserve it. Because some people are jerks.
    "We'll find her, Penny," Simon says, placing a hand on her shoulder. "I would tell you not to worry, but that's stupid advice. I can't stop you from worrying. I can only assure you that we will find her."
    Penny smiles weakly, her eyes shining with tears. "Since when are you the one giving pep talks?"
    Simon laughs, but I swear I see him flinch. A sensitive topic, maybe? I have no idea. I don't know these people. I'm just along for the ride.

I feel like I could be sick any moment. I keep my eye on the nearby trash can just in case I end up needing it (I have a strong feeling that I will). My stomach is doing flips and I feel lightheaded. At least I have Baz. I hold onto his hand, tightly. He squeezes it occasionally, just to remind me that he's there for me. I try my best to hide what I'm feeling, knowing that Baz would lose focus on the task at hand: finding Penelope's mother. That's more important than talking me down from another panic attack in my opinion.
"We should split up," I say, trying to keep my last meal down.
I hear Shepard gasp. "That's what everyone says in horror movies!" he says. "Everyone ends up dying because they split up. I think we should stay together."
"We'll go in pairs," Baz says, defending my plan. I automatically look up at Baz. It's like we're back in school and we get to choose our partners. Friends always look at each other when this happens, trying to hide their grins. "I'll go with Simon," he adds.
"I guess I'm with Shepard," Penny huffs.
I don't know what she has against him. He seems to be a decent person. He hasn't killed any of us yet. He's had many opportunities to do it, but he hasn't. I'm starting to believe that he just wants to learn about magic, not harm any of us. Not intentionally, at least.
"You two go to the dining hall," Baz says. "Simon and I will go to—"
"The White Chapel," I say, cutting him off. Baz looks at me oddly, waiting for an explanation. "I just feel like someone might cause trouble there. I mean, it's happened before."
Baz doesn't question me any further. He knows what I'm referring to. More like who. Ebb. Ebb died there. So did the Mage, but not before he killed Watford's goatherd, the woman who didn't deserve what happened to her. Of course, do any of us really get what we deserve? I like to believe that I deserve better than this, but maybe I don't. I couldn't save everyone. Maybe this is my punishment.
"We'll meet back here in twenty minutes," Baz says.
Penny nods and heads toward the dining hall with Shepard. Baz and I set off towards the White Chapel.
The White Chapel is different than I remember. It's obviously been repaired since I left. It looks like nothing ever happened, but I know how much blood was spilled in that chapel. I can almost feel the Mage's presence, like he's the angel (more like devil) on my shoulder, whispering in my ear.
I feel cornered and small. I can still smell Ebb's blood that stained the tiles. It's no longer there, but I know exactly where it used to be. It's washed away now, like it never existed. Like nothing ever happened. Like Ebb was never there.
Baz squeezes my hand and I look into his beautiful, gray eyes. I'll never grow tired of them. I know that for sure. Baz stares back at me, saying words without speaking. I smile, my lips trembling. He leans forward and kisses me. It's a quick kiss, but it's enough to give the courage I need to move on.
We climb up the spiral staircase to the top of the chapel. I can see the rest of Watford out of the window. It's beautiful, but I can't take it. I turn away and wait for Baz.
"She's not here," Baz says.
"What now?" I ask.
Before Baz can answer, there's a strange rumbling sound and the floor beneath us crumbles. I immediately unfold my wings and flap them frantically. Baz is still falling and I feel my heart stop. I launch myself forward, tucking my wings in and speeding through the air like a bullet. I grab Baz and shoot back into the air, then carefully lower him to the ground.
Baz holds onto me for a moment. It's like he's forgetting that we're on the ground now. I don't mind. Baz's eyes widen and he pushes me away.
"I'm sorry," he says. "I'm just—hungry."
I nod. "We can stop by the Catacombs before we meet up with Penny and Shepard."
We move towards the doors, but they slam shut in front of our faces. A voice echoes throughout the room, sending a shiver down my spine.
"You're not going anywhere," the voice says.
I instinctively reach for the Sword of Mages, but realize that it's no longer there. It hasn't been there since I lost my magic. Laughter bounces off of the walls, taunting me.
"What do you want?" I shout.
"You'll find out soon enough."
There's a cloud of smoke and I can see a figure hidden in it. I desperately search the chapel for a weapon, but find nothing. Baz has his wand out and tells me to get behind him. I immediately shake my head, stepping in front of Baz. I don't care if I'm defenseless. I can at least distract whoever's, whatever's here long enough for Baz to get to safety.
"Simon, move!" Baz yells.
"Get out of here, Baz," I say. "I'll hold them off." I point to the mysterious cloud of smoke. Baz shakes his head.
"I'm not leaving you."
"Neither am I."
    We don't say another word and reach an unspoken agreement. We're both staying.
    The cloud of smoke finally drifts away and the figure steps forward.
    "Baz, it's him. It's the Mage."

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