I tried to wash off the dirtiness I felt crawling on my skin from last nights events. I had never felt so low mentally. Callie was doing most of the work but I was the "prize" for most of the men. They must've heard that I was the boss' favorite. They each had to have a piece of me. When I was satisfied with the burning sensation of my skin from being scrubbed vigorously, I got out the shower. I got dressed and attempted to go to sleep."Psst. Psst. Pssst. Tez I know you hear me." I heard a faint whisper from one of the girls. I groaned and turned over, ready to cuss someone out.
"What heffa?" I lashed out.
"Are you alright? Earlier today you were zoned out, I figured you were in shock."
I instantly felt bad that I had yelled. "Yeah I'm good, still trying to wrap my head around last nights events. I'm sorry for snapping at you. I promise you I'm gonna get everyone out of here. Mark my words." I declared to Liz, the caring white lady.
Liz smiled and said, "it's okay, I knew you were on edge after everything. If you ever want to talk, I'm always here," she offered.
I smiled back as a response. I appreciated her being there. Most of the girls had come around after the past couple of weeks. Yes, this has been going on for weeks. Our trip was supposed to end a week ago. I figured my mom was drowning in her worry. Ugh how I missed her so. My dad was still away. My brothers, who knew where they were, but I missed them all the same. I even missed how we used to fight playfully and then it'd turn out to be an all out war. I always won though. I even missed Morgen. She just stopped speaking to me. Guilt could be eating at her, bit by bit, until it would consume her.
I beamed in my thoughts when they would turn to Terell. Whenever I would think of him I radiated with genuine joy. Now I just have the memories. Sadness now ate at my heart strings.
I remember during those few weeks being so damn bored I began to count the columns to the fences and when that was done I began doing the specks of dirt.Then one day I felt so inspired to write, that I wrote in the dirt.
These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot eraseWhen you cried I wiped away all of your tears
When you screamed I wiped away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
And you still have...
All of me"Hey! You come with me!" An angry voice blared at me.
I was snatched up from my little corner and thrown in the back of what appeared to be a van. My hands and feet weren't bound so I had every reason to jump out and never look back. I slightly but discreetly adjusted my body towards the end of the van and I hesitated. The girls. I couldn't leave them behind. Every bone in my body was telling me to run and never look back but I couldn't do that to the rest of the girls. Plus, I've been helping the little one learn English, and how to read. So I stayed for the rest of the girls.
I knew that one day we would all be free from this wretched place.
The van comes to a dramatic halt. I try to look and see what's got them shook, and I spot the flashing red and blue lights of the police car.
Dum dun dum dum. My heart beat blared out of my chest as they signaled for us to pull over.
Rick pulled over the car and waited to be approached by the police.
The officer had a snug glare on his face like he was pissed. Rick lets down the window and the officer speaks. Dum dun dum dun.
"Licencia y registro" he stated.
Rick complied and waited.
"Rick, ¿dónde está mi dinero del último trabajo eh?" the officer asked Rick.
"Ya viene Paulo, solo espera pacientemente."
"Mejor o me veré obligado a cerrar su operación, para siempre esta vez."
I'm utterly shocked at the response of the officer, like does he not know that Rick is bat shit crazy?
Rick's demeanor switches in an instant. He turns the van off and gets out. I'm personally scared for the poor officer. He slowly looks left and right before dropping kicking this officer like a crackhead asking for $2.
Rick just didn't stop there, he continued to stomp and kick the officer. Damn near killing the poor officer. Dum dun dum dun.
In between kicks he managed to get out two words, "Coño perra."
I just said fuck it, he's on his own at this point. I hope he doesn't kiss his mama with that mouth. He called Rick a pussy bitch with no hesitation, like he welcomed death.
After another twenty minutes of beating, kicking and stomping, out of breath Rick climbs back in the van; and we drive off as if everything is normal.
Dun dum dun dum.
Mexico Has Splinters
Misteri / ThrillerThis was a dream I had earlier this week but some events have been added since it was short and I woke up before it was over. Enjoy! Hey everyone! I know I have not been posting as often as I said I would, but I was going through a lot of family iss...