Chapter 1

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Lily's pov

I never really liked vacations. Like really what's the point, but when you don't spend enough time with your family, you don't really have a choice.

That's why i'm currently sitting in my parents car and my headphones are in and chainsmokers flowing through my ears. I tune my parents out and continue staring at the beautiful weather of Santa Monica.

I feel a tap on my shoulder and look towards my brothers stretching position and he looks towards our mum's direction, that's when I realize she's been calling my name for a while now.

I take out the headphones and put on a loving smile at her annoyed face " yeah"

" we'll be arriving soon ", she says obviously still annoyed.

I nod and put the headphones back on. We drive into a neighborhood one filled with enormous houses. We aren't really rich but my Grandfather used to live here before he passed away.

We pull up to a huge house, with white gates surrounding the house and there's a fountain in the middle. From here I could see a really big tree at the back, i smile because I know where I'm going to read when I'm bored.

We all come down from the car, that's when I see grandma standing at an open door way. Its been a while since I last saw her. I sprint towards her.

"Grandma!! " , I yell excitedly and jump into her open arms. Her scent fills my nose. I could never forget the smell of fresh roses.

" lily my dear, its so good to see you", she gives me one of her bone crushing hugs.

" Grandma I can see you haven't changed a bit " , I try to wiggle myself out of her grip. That's when mason comes running towards us.

" Grandma, I really missed you " I hear mason say as I walk back towards the car to get my stuff.

Dad had already brought them out of the car. " thanks dad ", I say picking up my stuff and walking towards the house.

I finally get them into the house. Not to lie the inside is as beautiful as the outside, with marble floors and a grand stair case. I look around for a bit my mouth hanging open

Suddenly a hand pushes my mouth closed, I laugh and mentally slap my self. "Grandma I knew your house was big but I didn't think it was this big ", I say still amazed. She just laughs and takes me up to my room.

I'm really exhausted, I need some shut eye. After climbing like a thousand stairs, i'm finally at my room door. My grandma opens the door for me and for the second time today my mouth hangs open

" Grandma this is really beautiful ", I say smiling like a sane woman.

" I knew you'll like the room. Now let me leave you to settle down, come down for dinner when you're done ", she says exiting the room.

I lie down face flat on the bed, surprisingly its really soft and comfortable not like my old bed. Not that my old bed isn't soft and comfortable but you know what I mean.

I may not like vacations but I really think I'll have fun here in Santa Monica. I close my eyes and drift of to sleep.

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