Chapter 4

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Cole's POV

I wonder why mom was so hellbent on making me come over to grandmas.

I would have preferred staying home and going to clubs with the guys and probably getting laid.

Its not so bad though because I got to spend time with Olivia, I missed her a lot but I'll never say it out loud.

I knew Mrs Ferris was having her grand kids over but I didn't expect the Lily she always talked about to be a beautiful yet annoying specie of a human being.

I mean my first impression of her was that she was a shy high school sweet heart you know the usual innocent high school girl but I guess today changed that.

I could sense she was affected by my presence cos when I stepped closer to her she started fidgeting.

Even her hazel eyes were beautiful. I couldn't possibly be attracted to her right? She's not my type of girl.

But you want her to be.

My subconscious taunted me.

This isn't the summer I wanted. My mom can be a bit of a strong headed bull, its sickening.

"Cole dear, what are you thinking about. "Olivia says pulling me out of my thoughts. I wasn't even aware I had stepped into the house.

"Its nothing Olivia. " I say smiling at her. She looked un convinced but she didn't press the matter. I call her by her first name which is weird but she insisted I do that because she didn't want to feel old even though she already looks like it.

when I was about going up the stairs she called out to me.

"Cole dear, I need you to run some errands for me. Is it convenient enough? "

"Of course grandma. " I smile at her "what do you need? "

She handed me a list of everything she needed from the super market. walking out of the house, I hop on my motorcycle and drive off.

The ride to the store wasn't that long and I had gotten there in less than 5minutes.

I look at the note grandma Olivia gave me. It had only three items.

Orange juice
Cabbages and

Why would she need to get all this. I thought we had them all at home. She can be very forgetful at times.

After I got everything I needed. I went to pay for it.

On my way out something caught my eyes. It was Lily. She looked like she was waiting for a cab.

Why did I have the urge to help her out. I sigh inwardly.

I walk up to her but she doesn't notice my presence.

"Need a ride? " I ask her. She was startled but when she noticed it was me, she frowned.

" No thank you. "

" Would you rather just stand here waiting for a cab and probably something bad happens to you or you let me give you a ride? " I pressed on. She looked like she was contemplating what I said but her face gave nothing away. I thought she would give in but what she said surprised me.

"Like I said before my answer is no. I can manage on my own. " she says not bothering to spare me a glance.

I was getting pretty annoyed.

"Suit yourself " I say and brush past her. Why would a girl be so hot headed. Damn.

Not up to 5seconds when I was already on my motorcycle, she calls out to me.


"Fine what ? " I ask casually. Now that I actually look at her. She's really beautiful. She was wearing a dark blue summer dress and sandals, her hair tied in a perfect bun except for the stray hairs falling to her face. She looked perfect.

"You know what don't make me change my mind. . "She said smiling all though it didn't reach her eyes. She must have noticed me staring.

I pass her a helmet and gesture her to hop on.

"Hold on tight. " I could sense her hesitation. I chuckle softly.

" Just wrap your hands around me Lily. I don't bite. " I smirk at her.

When she doesn't still budge. I take her hands and wrap it around me and then we take off.

I dropped her off Infront of her house.

"Thank you for the ride. " she says not looking at me and she walks inside. Taking that as my que to leave. I head home.

"Olivia, I got everything you asked for. " she smiles lovingly at me.

"Thank you dear. Set it on the table. " putting everything on the coffee table. I head into my room to take a quick shower.

I don't know why but my mind keeps  on drifting to Lily and her annoyingly perfect little face.

Slipping on a clean shirt. I lay flat on my back and decide to call the only person that'll take my mind off all this.



Lily's POV

Grandma asked me to accompany her to the super market and then she just left without informing me.

And I was left stranded. If not for Cole.

At first I didn't want to go with him because I didn't trust him but when he made mention of something bad happening to me, I thought it was best that I go with him.

But there was something off about his jacket that I couldn't understand.

It had this symbol at the back of it  But I didn't understand so I didn't really put my mind to it.

I have been meaning to apologize to Mason but anytime I try he gives me the cold shoulder. When I try to approach him, he'd put on his headphones and walk away.

And I was getting really annoyed. I'd just try again. Like they say the hundredth time's the charm. Getting up from bed I head to Masons room.

I don't bother knocking cos I know if I do he won't let me in.

I walked up to him but he didn't spare me a glance, he just kept reading the book in his hands. I sigh inwardly.

"Hey Mase. "

No answer.

"I know you're still mad at me but you have to talk to me at some point. " still no answer. he didn't even look at me and it was heart shattering.

"I'm sorry I was being too much of an over protective sister. I was just looking out for you which now I understand you can do on your own. I'm really sorry Mase . Next time I'd let you decide before I jump in. " He still didn't say anything but he was looking at me now. I decided to leave.

On my way out, he finally spoke up.

" I forgive you Lily. " I turned around and I'm pretty sure the huge smile on my face must have scared him but he just grinned at me.

I went over to him and pulled him for a hug. Then I ruffled his hair which he swatted my hand for.

And we just stayed there talking about everything and anything.

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