Chapter 30

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Lily's POV

I woke up with a slight headache. All that crying must have caused this. I groaned out loud. Tasha and Josh had already left and Josh must be leaving for England already.

I pick up my phone and call Tasha. She picks up after two rings.

"Hey Lils. How you holding up?. "

"I'll be lying if I say I'm fine Tash. " I sigh.

"Everything would be fine okay? I'm sure he'll be fine. "

"I know he would but the thing is I have to leave him. "

"You'll just have to live a life without him. " she said. I don't want a life without him but this is what I get.

"I'll call you later Tash. I have to get ready. We'll be coming home soon. "

"Bye Lils. " she says and hangs up.

I get up from bed and walk into the bathroom. I brush my teeth and take a quick shower. After the shower, I tie a towel around myself and walk out of the bathroom.

My clothes were set out on the chair close to my bed. I put on a black crop top and black and white stripped suspender trousers. I don't usually put the suspenders so I let dangle around my sides. I put on a white jacket to finish off. I let my hair fall freely around me.

I put my phone and every other thing I needed into a small bag. Making sure everything I needed was in a bag. I take my luggage and walk out the room.

Mason was already in the living room with his bags. It was time for us to go back home.

"Hey Mase. " he just looked at me and gave me a small nod. He was still bummed about the whole Cole thing and I was too but I needed to be strong. I dropped my bags beside his and went into the kitchen.

Grandma was sitting on one of the chairs and she didn't look happy at all. Well who would. Someone she took as her own grandson was in the hospital because he tried to kill himself.

I walk over to her and hug her from behind. "Stop crying grandma. He'll be fine I'm sure of it. "

"Its not only because of that. My grandkids were going. This house wouldn't be lively anymore. " I knew what she meant, ever since granddad died this house has never been the same. That's why grandma would always come to visit us.

"We will always come back grandma." I said trying to hold back my own tears. I didn't know when i became like this. I was never really a cry baby but this whole summer changed me.

"I know. " she said and hugged me back. I was going to miss her, miss here and miss Cole. I was going to miss him the most.

I pulled away from her embrace and kissed her cheek. She followed me back into the living room and she and Mason did their own exchange of goodbyes. She wasn't going to escort us to the airport because Olivia and even Mrs sprouse needed someone.

"C'mon Mase we need to get going. " I said to him and he stood up and carried his bags. I carried mine too and we both walked out the door.

"Bye grandma. " I said giving her one last hug.

"Bye grandma. " Mason also said joining in.

"Bye dearies. " she kissing both our cheeks.

We put our bags in the boot of the car and got inside. I started the car and waved grandma a goodbye before I drove off.

"We're going to the hospital first. " I said to Mason and he just nodded. I knew why he was like this. He was going back home to the place where he didn't have friends, to the place where he didn't feel like he belonged because he was too smart. I nudged him with my elbow, while using my other hand to drive.

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