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Nancy Drew lived up to her name, she was adventurous and mysterious with a name like that you kind of, have to be

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Nancy Drew lived up to her name, she was adventurous and mysterious with a name like that you kind of, have to be.

Her family moved to Hawkins Indiana when she was only three years old, Nancy never understood why they moved from River Heights a very small town in Illinois but Nancy is glad she lives in Hawkins because she wouldn't have met her three best friends, Bess Marvin, George Fayne, and Ned Nickerson. Everyone knows that Nancy is into women well everyone that matters, they're all very supportive even her father Carson who grew up in a hyper-religious family, but when he married Nancy's mom he vowed to leave that all behind.

Since they lost Nancy's mother to cancer a few years ago it's been just Nancy and her Dad ever since but as much as Nancy loves her mom she wouldn't want it any different.

Nancy loved school but she got bullied a lot because of her name but she loved her name because she thinks it fits her perfectly, she's grateful for only reading Nancy Drew books while she was pregnant with her or Nancy's life wouldn't be Nancy's.

It was also confusing because there was another Nancy at school, Nancy Wheeler now Nancy Drew knows for a fact that Wheeler knows something about the strange things that have been happening in Hawkins, I mean no kid is dead one day then alive the next. That just doesn't happen in Hawkins ever.

When Nancy was a kid she was always getting into things she shouldn't have and people told her parents that she should play with barbies instead of spying on the neighbors even though the neighbors was cheating on her husband, Nancy never listened though and she wasn't going to listen now.

"I'm going to school dad!" Nancy yells at her dad from her spot by the door.

"Have fun, don't get into trouble!" Carson yells back from his office.

"I never get into trouble!" Nancy pulls her backpack onto her bag so she can bike to school.

"You always get into trouble Nance." Carson comes from his office to hug Nancy, Nancy rolls her eyes which earns her a soft slap on her arm.

"Be safe seriously." Carson sends her off so he can get some work done while she's gone.

Nancy made her way to her bike which was a cool pastel pink. She huffed her way onto it letting all of the weight settle onto the seat and started peddling.

When she was coming around to the Byers household she slowed down a little bit apparently, this is where Joyce Byers had her psychotic episode but Nancy thinks it's more than that. Nancy speeds up again so she won't be late for school.

She got to school just in time, she locked her bike and waved at her friends who were waiting by the door for her.

"Hey Bess, Ned, George." Nancy hugs her best friends tightly. They were lucky enough to get lockers right beside each other.

"Guys, Jonathan is acting strange again." Ned leans against his locker.

"Isn't he always weird?" Bess opens her locker sticking her tongue out at Nancy when she lightly shoves her for her comments.

"You know, Steve and Wheeler have been acting strange as well." George hums taking the backpack off her back and putting it in her locker.

"It kind of sucks that we all have to be apart of this summer school program." Ned groans.

"I'm just doing this so I get more credits." Bess smiles and walks off to her first summer class.

"Sorry Ned, Good luck." George pats Ned on the arm and walks to her class leaving behind Ned and Nancy.

"Guess it's just us." Ned fake romantically says It was an ongoing joke between the group of friends because everyone thinks Ned and Nancy are a couple.

"Dork, I'll see you after class." Unlike regular school, this Summer School Program started at 1 pm so they didn't have to wake up early and they didn't have much homework.


Nancy was finally out of class for today, when she walked out of her class all of her friends but Bess was waiting for her.

"Where's Bess?" Nancy asks opening her locker to get her stuff out.

"She's probably sucking faces with Tommy." George wrinkles her face up in disgust. Sure enough, Bess comes hand in hand with Tommy, all of the friends hated Tommy but Bess loved him.

"Hey guys, I'm going to hang out with Tommy, You guys go on without me." Bess smiles willing to be dragged away by Tommy.

"We gonna go to Starcourt?" Ned asks opening the school doors for the girls.

"Yea, can we ride with you?" Nancy didn't have a car but she was grateful that Ned had one.

"Sure, get your bike." Ned pops open the trunk so Nancy can load her bike in the back.

Nancy with little struggle put her bike in Ned's trunk and put her backpack in the backseat.

"Hey, why can't I sit up front." George groans as she gets in the backseat.

"I called dibs." Nancy chuckles and buckles her seatbelt around her.

"Enough bickering." Ned turns up the radio and rolls all of the windows down.

All too soon they had end their fun because they pulled into the ever-busy Starcourt mall parking lot.

"I'm going to go to scoops ahoy first." Nancy closes her door after she gets out.

"You just want to see Robin," George says in a singsongy voice teasingly.

"No, I don't." Nancy blushes when she replies, she truly doesn't have a crush on Robin but she is a pretty girl.

"Oh that's right, you're more interested in Wheeler." Ned teases enjoying watching Nancy's face go bright red.

"Shut Up." Nancy playfully pushes Ned and makes her way towards Scoops Ahoy.

"Robin! Nance's is here." Steve yells to the back when he sees Nancy and her friends walk up.

"Excuse him, You guys want your usual?" Robin pushes Steve away so she can take the group's order.

"Yea, that will be good." Ned leans against the counter looking for a place to sit that wasn't crowded.

"Thanks, Robin." Nancy takes the tray of ice cream from Robin so she won't drop it. 

By the time the ice cream was scooped George and Ned found a place to sit so Robin gently handed the ice creams to each one.

"I wonder when the hype will die down from this mall." Ned takes a lick of his ice.

"I don't know," Nancy mutters, she's doing her favorite past time which is people watching. Nancy can tell something hinky is going on with this mall, and she's going to find out what.

 Nancy can tell something hinky is going on with this mall, and she's going to find out what

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