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Nancy has seen a dead body before but never one that was murdered, so when she saw Alexei get shot right next to her it was a nightmare

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Nancy has seen a dead body before but never one that was murdered, so when she saw Alexei get shot right next to her it was a nightmare. Wheeler forgot all about how people didn't like people who were dating someone of the same sex and ran over to comfort Nancy, so while Hopper ran to find the shooter Wheeler was holding Nancy into her chest while Jonathan was trying to keep people from seeing the body when Hopper figured out the killer fled he told everyone to go to his cabin, Nancy couldn't stop shaking though, she was terrified, she felt like she couldn't breathe. Every time Wheeler pulled Nancy to walk to the car Nancy felt like her legs were jelly, she couldn't exactly tell her girlfriend because of the chaos. Nancy blew a sigh of relief when they got to Jonathan's car, Nancy, Wheeler, and Jonathan got into the car while Hopper, Murray, and Joyce were in the other one.

"I can't breathe," Nancy muttered in the car, Wheeler turned around to look at Nancy in worry.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Wheeler unbuckled her seat belt and climbed into the back to sit beside Nancy.

"No, I just can't catch my breath, I'm so scared Nance." Nancy fell into Wheeler's arms as she let the tears fall.

"Do I need to go to the hospital?" Jonathan looked at Wheeler in the rear-view mirror concern on his face.

"No she'll be fine, just get to the cabin." Wheeler kisses Nancy on top of the head no longer caring who saw, Wheeler didn't see Jonathan smiling at the two in the mirror.

Everything would change after tonight, the couple is sure people would have questions for them but they would have to wait because a monster is trying to kill them.

"Nancy sweetheart, we're here we need to go." Wheeler gently helps Nancy out of the car, when they look up the mind flayer is coming towards them, they all gasp and run inside the cabin.

Everyone else is already there except for Alexei because he was dead, as Hopper and Jonathan were locking the windows and doors Nancy gasped putting her hands on her knees she breathed deeply trying to calm her body down.

"Are you okay?" El asks Nancy standing beside her unknowingly that drew all the attention to Nancy and El.

"No, I'm scared." Nancy whimpered letting herself feel vulnerable for the first time.

"Hey, Nance It's gonna be okay," Hopper tells Nancy from across the room, that thought made Nancy smile, she was glad she was close to Hopper still after she started being close to her dad again.

"We also need to talk about you and Nancy after this whole thing clears up," Hopper smirks pointing to Wheeler making Nancy blush.

"Give her a break Jim." Joyce rolls her eyes as she hugs Jonathan tightly, you can tell she was worried about her children which makes Nancy feel like she's going to puke, she has no idea where Bess, Nick, or George are or if they're even safe. She knows her dad can protect himself but he doesn't have any idea about all this stuff if he gets hurt Nancy isn't sure what she would do with herself.

"Hey, babe, you doing alright?" Wheeler comes over and puts her arm around Nancy.

"So so, I'm nervous about my friends and family." Nancy walks over to the couch and takes a seat. Wheeler takes that spot beside her.

"I'm sure they're okay, as long as they weren't in the thick of it they should be fine." What Wheeler said should've put Nancy at ease but in reality, it did the opposite because she has no idea where her friends or her dad is.

"That didn't actually help me, babe." Nancy huffs out a laugh, behind her she hears a huff and some walking coming towards her from behind.

"I'm sure Carson, Ned, Bess, and George are fine, the fact they don't know is actually better because they won't try to fight. If not I will save them myself." Hopper says ruffling Nancy's hair ignoring her scowling face and her bating his hands away using a scrunchie to pull it up out of her face.

That reminds Nancy, she hasn't seen Steve in a while, she's about to ask when a crash sound is heard through the sound of the cabin, she turns around and screams.

"WHAT IS THAT!" Nancy yells grabbing a nearby bat looking at a giant tentacle coming through the house.

"That's the mind flayer!" Will yells from behind her.

Nancy grasps the bat with both hands and gets ready to swing when a tentacle comes flying her way, Nancy screams as she falls because Wheeler pushed her, panting Wheeler is on top of Nancy everything is in slow motion, Wheeler leans in and pushes her lips againist Nancy's.

"Hey Lovebirds! Get back to fighting!" Jonathan calls out, Wheeler rolls off of Nancy and stands up helping Nancy up, both blushing.

Nancy looks towards Wheeler who nods her head smiling, Nancy grasps the bat tighter in her hands looking at the tentacle that was beside her and swang as hard as she could she could hear the monster screaming in pain and it sucked the tentacle back outside.

"Here!" Joyce throws Nancy a gun which she takes throwing the bat down beside her away from the monsters reach.

She hears a scream and looks over to see the mind flayer has a hold of El and is trying to drag her out of the cabin, Nancy sees red.

"EL USE YOUR POWERS!" Mike yells which makes Nancy mad, El is hurt and Mike wants her to use her powers.

Nancy sees that Jonathan is grabbing an ax that was near by and nods towards Nancy who starts shooting the monster, Wheeler follows Nancy lead and shoots him.

The mind flayer screams and so does El as Jonathan brings the ax down on top of the tentacle that is attached to El's leg, the Mind Flayer relents and Nancy looks out the window as it walks towards the mall which means this isn't over, not by a longshot.

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