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Nancy wanted to stop at home before going to Hawkins Post so she can change out of her swimsuit, Nancy wanted to make sure she looked good for Wheeler, she did want to impress her

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Nancy wanted to stop at home before going to Hawkins Post so she can change out of her swimsuit, Nancy wanted to make sure she looked good for Wheeler, she did want to impress her.

Luckily Ned agreed, something about needing to change too, it only makes Nancy more suspicion on the fact that he wants to impress Steve.

Nancy looked in her driveway and saw her dad was gone which meant he was with a client at there house since he has a home office so his practice was in his house.

"Did you bring some clothes?" Nancy asks Ned while she was unlocking her house door, it opened with a pop.

"I did, I brought a shirt and some pants." Ned slung a backpack that Nancy didn't notice off of his back and went towards the bathroom.

Nancy rolled her eyes before making her way to her room, closing the door behind her so Ned didn't see her naked although it wouldn't be the first time.

Nancy walked towards her closet, keeping in mind the temperature she chose a white open-backed dress that flowed whenever she walked, sure it was a riskier dress but she looked cute and she liked it.

"Are you ready!" Ned yelled from the living room.

"Yea!" Nancy grabbed a scrunchie and pulled her hair into a tight ponytail, stopping to look in the mirror making sure she looks okay she opens her door.

"You look good, ready?" Ned held out his arm which Nancy took and they walked towards his car, Nancy did lock the house door, if not her father would kill her.

Ned rolled the window down and lite a cigarette, the smoke didn't bother Nancy, literally, everyone in Hawkins smoked, it was the 80s.

"When are you going to ask Nancy out?" Ned blew smoke out.

Nancy coughed, she didn't know if it was because of the question or because of smoke.

"When are you going to ask out Steve?" Nancy retorts.

"It's not Steve I wanna ask out," Ned says making Nancy look at him suddenly.

"Who is it!" Nancy asks with glee, if anything she's excited about some juice, she needs a good mystery.

"It's Jonathan." Ned mumbles, he wasn't exactly ready to tell Nancy that he liked her godbrother.

"My Godbrother?!?!" Nancy slaps Ned on the arm when he nods.

"Oh my god, you like my godbrother." Yes Nancy's godbrother was Will but she considered Jonathan to be her godbrother as well, they're all like family to her.

"I'm sorry, it's just he's so cute and he looks so cuddly and I just wanna kiss him." Ned sighs not knowing that he just spilled his heart out to Nancy.

"I'll put in a good word for you." Nancy winks at Ned who has his mouth open in a flabbergasted expression.

Since they were almost there the car got silent, and Nancy was okay with that, it gave her time to think, she did like Wheeler she was just scared, the 80s wasn't exactly open with homosexuality when she met some people like her she was met with horror stories of people being called derogatory names that she hates.

She was lucky that she was met with support when she admitted she liked girls, questions yes but not hatred from the ones that matter, she knew she wasn't always going to be that lucky, and being that Wheeler is a female, a female that Nancy knows for a fact has been with other guys, so she isn't even sure if Wheeler will ever like her.

Nancy is broke out of her thoughts by Ned pulling into the parking lot of Hawkins Post.

Nancy unbuckled her seat belt and got out of the car when she opened the door to Hawkins Post the door jingled to let someone know they're here.

"Hi, where is Nancy Wheeler?" Nancy asked the receptionist who looked her up and down.

"She's back there." The receptionist said making a face at Nancy's proactive outfit.

Ned followed Nancy towards the back where Wheeler should be, and they saw her talking to Jonathan.

"Hey, Drew." Wheeler waved at Nancy when she saw them.

"Hey, we found out you're working here and wanted to come to see you guys." Ned smiles looking at Jonathan blushing a little bit.

"Thanks for stopping by, Ned, want to see the pictures I took today?" Jonathan didn't let Ned say anything, he just dragged him into the darkroom.

"So what do you do here?" Nancy asked Wheeler as they're walking to get some water.

"Well, I'm an intern, I get coffee, call people, but I would really like to report stories but they won't let me." Wheeler smiles but Nancy can tell it hurts her.

"Let me guess, every time you try Bruce and Tom laugh at you." Nancy is trying to let her being upset to show but she can't help but clench her fist.

"Yea, that's exactly what they do. I like your dress." Wheeler smoothly changes the subject, and Nancy lets her.

"Thank you, the receptionist didn't like it though." Nancy blushes because Wheeler complimented her, it wasn't the first time but it was huge because Nancy wore this dress to impress Wheeler.

"Don't about that, Miss. Neller doesn't like anyone." Wheeler winks at Nancy who grabs Wheeler's arm and drags them outside.

"Drew! You're going to get me in trouble." Wheeler groaned but followed Nancy.

"I'm sorry but I need to tell you something." Nancy drags them over to an alley and looks around to make sure no one is watching.

"Hey, what is it? We're friends remember?" Wheeler has that kind smile it gives Nancy the courage to lean in.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Wheeler pushes Nancy backwords.

"Why did you do that?" Wheeler asks wiping her mouth with her hand.

"I thought we had something here." Nancy quietly says ashamed.

"Well, I'm not a queer like you Drew." Wheeler left Nancy in the alley by herself.

Nancy slide down the wall ignoring that her white dress was getting dirty and leaned her head against the wall and softly cried.

She messed up, big time.

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