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Nancy was stressed, the group was currently trying to figure out a way to stop the Russians while trying to defeat the mind flayer since last time didn't go so well

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Nancy was stressed, the group was currently trying to figure out a way to stop the Russians while trying to defeat the mind flayer since last time didn't go so well. The fact that Nancy's hair keeps falling in her face reminds her after this she needs to get a hair cut this is the third time she's had to pull her hair up.

"Why don't Joyce and I go down under the mall where Steve said they're at and we can try to shut it down." Hopper crosses his arms.

"No, definitely not." Nancy crosses her arms back almost flinching when Wheeler comes up behind her and hugs her from behind.

"I'm older then Carson, I can do what I please Nancy," Hopper growls out.

"FUCK YOU THEN! If you want to die down there go ahead!" Nancy yells throwing down a piece of cloth she was holding and scoffing walking away.

"I'll go see her." Nancy can hear her girlfriend say to the group.

Nancy walks outside leaning against the building shaking her head.

"You okay?" Wheeler walks towards Nancy bringing her hand to rubbed Nancy's arm in comfort.

"No, this is a fucking shit show. Someone I love wants to put themself in danger how am I supposed to be alright with that." Nancy leans her head against Wheeler's shoulder.

"Hopper just wants to protect his pack babe, he loves you. He wants you to go off to college not be wrapped up in all this." Wheeler brings her arms and rubs Nancy's back kissing her on the cheek.

"I didn't want to be apart of this, I just wanted a nice relationship with my girlfriend and that's all. I didn't want to be apart of this Strange stuff." Nancy huffs out Wheeler was going to reply but they're cut off by a rumble, they look at the exit and find Billy's car driving towards them.

"RUN!" Wheeler yells at Nancy dropping her hand and running inside, Nancy follows her lead and runs inside, running towards the group was still at the fountain but Steve, Robin, Dustin, Erica, Hopper, and Joyce were not in sight which means they actually did what they said they said they're going to do.

"What's wrong?" El asks noticing that Nancy and Wheeler is running towards them.

"Billy is here!" Nancy gasps out in between breathing heavy.

"What the fuck, how is that possible?" Mike says shaking his head in disbelief.

"WAIT, HE'S HERE!" El yells as she looks at the roof and sees the mind flayer loaming over the roof.

"NANCY'S WATCH OUT!" Mike yells as him and Max guide El over to a hiding spot.

Nancy pulls Wheeler behind a pole which is just in time because the mind flayer throws his long arm near Jonathan but luckily he was behind a pole.

Nancy was breathing when all of a sudden tiny balls started shooting beside her head and she turned and saw Lucas was shooting the mind flayer with his slingshot.

"GO GET OUT!" Lucas yells to the group downstairs, they all run outside of the mall trying to get in the car when they hear Billy's car rumbling.

"HE'S GONNA RAM US!" Max yells out trying to move out of the way.

They hear another rumble and watch as Steve's car rams into Billy's.

Billy jumps out of the car and takes off after El, Mike, and Max while the Mind Flayer tries to attack the others.

"GO INSIDE!" Nancy yells trying to duck under the tentacles.

Nancy heres El screaming and is frozen when she sees Billy dragging El towards the mall, that makes the Mind Flayer stop attacking the group and goes back into the mall.

"Come on!" Max drags the group towards a fallen Mike and Lucas, she tries to wake them up which it doesn't take long.

"We have to get El!" Mike rushes inside the torn mall, Nancy watches as the Mind Flayer makes its way closer towards El, some fireworks are pushed into her hands and she watches as her friends and her girlfriend start throw them into the Mind Flayer.

Something happens and El reaches out towards Billy who screams in pain, then the light returns towards his eyes, it's like he became normal again.

Billy says something to the Mind Flayer and he gets hit in the heart by a tentacle, Max screams, Nancy can feel tears falling from her face.

Under there feet, they can feel a rumble and a shockwave happens, Nancy can faintly here the Mind Flayer screaming so she closes her eyes to shield herself from the light that the shockwave gives off.

Max runs over to Billy, the rest follow.

"Are you okay?" Nancy grabs El who is sobbing and pulls her to her chest, Nancy can feel Wheeler's arms wrap around the two of them.

Nancy looks up and sees that Max is crouched over Billy's body and is crying as well, Nancy can tell he's dead.

"Shh." Nancy closes her eyes and brings El closer to her body trying to give her some form of comfort.

Nancy looks towards Wheeler who looked a mess, but still kissed Nancy, while El was turning towards Nancy for comfort Nancy was turning towards her girlfriend.

"I'm happy you're safe." Nancy whispers againist Wheeler's lips who nods and deepens the kiss.

"Hey, the cops are outside." Nancy opens her eyes to see Jonathan crouching before them, Nancy looks down and sees a sleeping El in her lap.

"El come on, wake up." Nancy gently rouses El who opens her eyes and slowly stands up, with Nancy's help she walks outside which has a lot of ambulances waiting for them.

Nancy brings El to one and waves off attention, walking she tries to find Hopper and Joyce.

"Joyce!" Nancy runs to a woman who has a blanket wrapped around her, her face falls when notices that Joyce has been crying.

"What's wrong?" Nancy questions walking towards Joyce.

"Where's Hopper?" Nancy asks when Joyce doesn't respond.

"He's dead." Joyce puts a hand over her mouth to stilfe the sobs coming out of her mouth.

"No, he can't be." Nancy's voice breaks, she falls to the hard road sobbing, Nancy can't focus on how Jonatahn or Wheeler runs over to her trying to pick her up again, all she thinks about is Hopper is dead, and the last thing Nancy said to him was that he doesn't care if he dies and Nancy can never take that back.


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This was really hard to write!
This is an AU remember, so nothing doesn't have to go exactly the same as the show!
We have two more chapters left until the end!!

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