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After telling the Byers the truth about her being into women Nancy felt great, she hasn't told the rest of the kids but she wasn't really that close with the rest of them, the only ones she really liked are Max and Lucas, she likes to call Max her...

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After telling the Byers the truth about her being into women Nancy felt great, she hasn't told the rest of the kids but she wasn't really that close with the rest of them, the only ones she really liked are Max and Lucas, she likes to call Max her mini-me. Don't get Nancy wrong, she's still upset with how Wheeler acted when she told her but after talking with some people Nancy realizes that she probably shouldn't have kissed her, but hey she was panicked and she was outside with the girl she's had a crush on since middle school, how can she not take the opportunity.

Which brings us to now, Nancy is sitting on the floor in her room eating some fruit roll-ups doing her homework, she is home alone as she often is but she doesn't mind, her friends well by her friends it's only Bess who suggests she throws a party but that's only because Bess wants to make out with Tommy without being judged. Nancy as much as she likes to be a detective like any good detective she also likes her alone time, and if that time is her doing some homework then she'll take it.

Nancy is so engrossed in her homework that she doesn't realize the phone is ringing until a few minutes after it starts ringing, she reluctantly puts her books down and gets up to get the phone which is in the kitchen, they didn't have a detachable cool one they just had a lame stupid cord no matter how much Nancy begs Carson.

"Hello." Nancy leans against the wall but smiles when she hears its Max's voice.

"Yea, I guess I can come over, why?" Nancy looks around the house to make sure it's clean.

"I'll be right there, this calls for a girl emergency," Nancy says her goodbyes and hangs up.

When Nancy goes to her closet she decides on some comfy jeans and a cuffed top.

Putting her pockets to make sure she has the house keys she locks the door, making her way towards her bike that is on the front lawn of the Drew household she hops on it and takes the long road to the Hopper household.

When Nancy pulls in front of the cabin she parks her bike next to Maxes and knocks on the door.

"Thank goodness, we have a boy problem." Max who opened the door instantly says.

"Where is Hopper?" Nancy looks around seeing that the two girls are here by themselves.

"He's working, I need help." Jane Hopper or as most people call her El says by the door of her room.

"What kind of boy problem do you have?" Nancy goes into El's room and sits on the floor while Max and El sit on El's bed.

"When Mike called me he said his grandma is sick and she's in the nursing home when I asked him if he can come over after he said that he just needs to be alone today." Nancy could tell that it El to talk about her boyfriend like that.

"I told El that boyfriends lie because she kept saying that friends don't lie." Max looks at Nancy for some help.

"Well, here's the thing, Mike's grandma could really be in the nursing home but Max is kind of right, boyfriends do lie." Nancy gave a gentle smile to the girls in front of her.

"So what should I do?" El started softly swinging her leg back and forth, Nancy looked at Max who nodded with a smile on her face.

"Why don't we go to the mall, because you can go there without those stupid boys." Nancy stood up and smiled when El nodded her head.

They make sure to leave a note and lock up, luckily El has a bike so they all decide to ride their bikes to the mall.

"Know where should we go first?" Nancy has her hands on her hips and sighing when Max drags El over to a store and Nancy must follow them.

"Can we help you girls find anything?" The clerk looks at them sneeringly.

"No thank you." Nancy brushes them off while Max and El try some things on doing a fashion show for Nancy making her laugh.

"Okay, we better go, the clerk is giving us dirty looks." Nancy points over to the clerk who was looking at them with a sneer on their face.

"Can we get some ice cream?" El looks at Nancy begging in her eyes.

"Let me go get it, stay here." Nancy rolls her eyes when the girls cheer.

"I need a strawberry one scoop and vanilla with sprinkles also one scoop," Nancy tells the scoop ahoy employee that isn't Robin or Steve.

"Here you guys go, I didn't get anything." Nancy hands the ice cream to the girls.

"Thank you, Nance." Max bumped her shoulder into Nancy while licking her ice cream.

Everything was going well until they ran into the boys and Nancy did a facepalm behind the girls back but stayed in the back.

"What are you doing here?" Mike asks looking at El with concern.

"Shopping." El goes back to licking her ice cream.

"This is her new style," Max says smugly while Nancy facepalms again.

"What's wrong with you? You know she's not allowed to be here." Mike's comment made Nancy's mouth drop open.

"What is she, your little pet?" Max crosses her arm that isn't holding ice cream.

"Am I your pet Mike?" Mike looks hurt by what El said and Nancy can't blame him for being hurt.

"What? No!" Mike says looking towards his best friends who shrugged.

"Well since you treat me like garbage, I'm going to treat you like garbage and break up with you." El smiles at the boys and walks away.

Nancy stopped for a second then walked towards the girls who were talking and laughing, all while Nancy was thinking, what the fuck just happened?

Nancy stopped for a second then walked towards the girls who were talking and laughing, all while Nancy was thinking, what the fuck just happened?

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