Chapter 6 - Getting Worse

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Kimberly's P.O.V.

I started to become more and more worried about Paul. He hasn't been doing very well and his illness is eating him up very quickly. I even tried finding a cure to make him feel better. No sign of one. Oh, what'll I do?!

Come on Kimberly, pull yourself together! Anyway, as I went to check on Paul, he was pretty much white as a sheet. It killed me deep inside to watch him get weaker and weaker each day. He looks up at me and speaks with a weak voice. "Kim... please... come here." He said. I walk over to him and I already felt a lump in my throat.

"Yes, darling?" I said. "I've been... saving this for a while now. I think it's time for you... to have it." Said Paul in a whisper. He pulls a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and hands it to me. I unfold it and saw that it was a note.

My darling Kimberly,

As I'm writing you this letter, I want you to know that every single day I've spent with you were the absolute best.

You've been good to me throughout our relationship and you'll never know how much it means to me that you were always there whenever I needed you.

Even though I'll be gone soon, please keep in mind that I've always loved you and I still do.

Don't give up hope, my love. And never give up on us. I wanna spend my final days with the girl I've loved for almost two years and I want them to be the best.

We may not be spending the rest of our lives together, but that doesn't mean our love for each other will be destroyed by the time I take my last breath.

Keep enjoying life the way you're doing it right now. Hold your head high and keep smiling. Never let your sadness of losing me stop you from having fun. I'll never forget you, my sweetheart.

Forever yours,

I felt my eyes burning with tears as I finished reading the letter. I looked back at Paul and he seemed to be crying too. "Oh, Paul! This letter it's... it's so... heartbreaking!" I cried. "I know, darling. I cried writing it. So I completely... understand your pain." Paul said. Suddenly, he broke into an even bigger coughing fit. He had a tissue in his hand and held it up to his mouth as he coughed. When he removed the tissue from his mouth, there was a huge spot of blood on it.

I had my hands over my mouth and looked at him in horror. I knew for sure that his illness was consuming him faster than I feared.

John's P.O.V.

I was starting to worry about Paul. I knew he was sick, but it's been a few days. So I drove up to his and Kimberly's place so I can check in on him. I parked in front of their house and walked up to the door. I knocked and waited for an answer.

The door opened to reveal Kimberly. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her face was completely tear stained. "Oh my gosh, John!" She cried. She immediately wrapped her arms around me and buried her face into my chest. I returned the embrace and began to rub her back.

"What's going on, Kim? How's Paul?" I asked. "He's not doing very well. His illness is consuming him, and the worst part is... he's dying!" Cried Kimberly. I felt my eyes fill up with tears. I didn't wanna lose my best mate, who also happens to be my partner in songwriting. "Can I see him?" I asked. "Sure." Kimberly said. She lead me inside and took me to the bedroom. There was Paul on the bed. He looked terrible.

"Paul?" I said. Paul looked up at the sound of my voice and saw me. He gave me a weak smile. I walked over to him and he sat up on the bed. "Hey, mate." I said. "John, I... I need you to do me a favor." Said Paul. "Just name it, and I'll do it, Paulie!" I said. "Take care of the band... please." Paul weakly said. I couldn't bear to see him like this. My best mate dying of a terrible illness, it's all too much!

"Of course." I said. Tears started coming down from my eyes. Paul puts his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. "Most importantly, take care of Kimberly." Said Paul. I nod at him. "I'll make sure she stays safe. So will George and Ringo." I said. "Thank you." Paul whispered.

I left after a few minutes and gave Kimberly the biggest hug. She definitely needed one at a time like this. "Thanks for being there for me, John. You've always been like a brother to me." She said. "Of course, Kimberly." I said. So I exited the house and went back to my car.

Ringo's P.O.V.

I arrived at Kimberly and Paul's place. As I got out of my car, I saw John going to his car. I walked over to him and saw tears in his eyes. "John, is everything alright?" I asked. "Not really. Kimberly will fill you in." Said John. I feared the worst. Is Paul dying? I certainly hope not. I guess I'll find out once I go inside.

The door was already open, so I went inside. "Kimberly? Hello?" I called. Kimberly came out a minute later. "Oh, Ringo! Thank goodness you're here!" She said. I had a feeling something was wrong since she had tears in her eyes as well. "Is it bad news?" I asked. "Very bad! Come with me." Said Kimberly. She took me to the bedroom and I saw Paul sitting up on his bed. His appearance was just terrible. He was paper white and looked extremely weak.

I walked over to him and he looked at me with a weak smile. "How do you feel, Paul?" I asked. "Almost dead." Said Paul. My eyes widened. I couldn't believe what I just heard. One of my best mates happens to be dying of an illness! It was the worst thing I've ever heard.

"Make sure Kimberly stays... in good hands." Paul said. I nod. "As long as she has John, George, and I, then she'll be in good hands." I said. I spent my last few minutes with Paul before leaving. I gave Kimberly a hug before I left the house. She's definitely gonna need a lot of comfort at this time.

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