Chapter 9 - The Healing Potion

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Kimberly's P.O.V.

As George and I continued our search, something shining in the ground caught my eye. I walked over to it and saw it buried in the ground. Luckily, I was able to see a little bit of the object. "What is that?" Asked George. "I don't know. I guess we'll find out when we dig it out." I said.

We dug as fast as we could to get the object out of the dirt. It was a vial filled with red liquid. "I think this is it." I said. "Look, there's a label." George said. I looked at the label attached to the vial.

With just one drop, it can cure the sick and injured in minutes!

George and I both smile. "This is perfect!" I said. "I guess I was wrong! There really is a healing potion!" Said George. "It's just what we need to save Paul!" I said excitedly. I throw my arms around George and we both hug.

Moments later, we returned back to mine and Paul's place. We see Heather and Teresa looking down at my lifeless boyfriend. Heather was stroking Paul's hair while Teresa was holding his hand. "We're back!" I said. The girls both look up. "You found it!" Said Teresa excitedly. "We knew you could do it!" Said Heather. "What's even better is that it can cure anyone who's sick or injured with just one drop!" George said.

The girls clap cheerfully. "Thank you both so much for watching over Paul!" I said. "No problem, Kimberly. We'll always have your back." Heather said. "Yeah. You're our best friend." Teresa said. The girls hug me one at a time and we say our goodbyes.

"I gotta go too. I have to meet John and Ringo at the studio in a few minutes." Said George. I give him an understanding nod. "Thanks for all your help, George." I said. "You're welcome, love." George said. He hands me the vial and I give him a hug. "Good luck, Kim." He said. George takes his leave and exits the house.

It was starting to get late. My energy was starting to run low and I felt a little dehydrated. I put the vial in my room and on my nightstand. I went back to the kitchen and I got myself a glass of water. I chugged the whole thing in one shot. I then walked back over to Paul and bent down to his level. He was laying on a pillow. Heather and Teresa must've done that when they were watching him.

I cradle Paul in my arms once again. He may be laying lifelessly, but I smile to myself knowing that when I regain my energy the next day, I'll be using the potion to cure him and he'll be healthy again. I gently stroked his face and began to sing.

Love me tender, love me sweet
Never let me go
You have made my life complete
And I love you so

Love me tender, love me true
All my dreams fulfill
For my darling I love you
And I always will

Love me tender, love me long
Take me to your heart
For it's there that I belong
And will never part

Love me tender, love me true
All my dreams fulfill
For my darling I love you
And I always will

Love me tender, love me dear
Tell me you are mine
I'll be yours through all the years
'Til the end of time

Love me tender, love me true
All my dreams fulfill
For my darling I love you
And I always will

After I finished singing, I kissed Paul on his forehead. It's still cold and his skin is still pale. They won't be for long, once I use that potion and it cures him in a snap. I lay down next to Paul and wrap my arms around him. "I love you, Paul, my sweet boyfriend." I said. I kiss Paul on his cheek and fall asleep on his shoulder.

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