Chapter 10 - Cured

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Kimberly's P.O.V.

I woke up the next day after having a beautiful dream about me and Paul. I dreamt that we were slow dancing in a ballroom and I was leaning on his chest. We even kissed passionately as the romantic music continued to play.

Okay, enough about my dream! Time to cure Paul! Before getting off the floor, I looked down at my boyfriend and stroked his hair. "This is it, Paulie. You're gonna be cured in a matter of minutes." I said. I go to my room and grab the potion bottle. I then walk back over to Paul and bend down next to him. I take the cork off the vial and put it aside.

"Here goes nothing." I said. I put my fingers on Paul's chin and opened his mouth. I then tilted the vial over and one drop goes directly inside of Paul's mouth. I lifted his head so the drop would go down his throat. I put the vial on the counter and look back down at Paul. I take his hand and hold it close to my chest.

Five minutes pass, I then felt my hand get a gentle squeeze. I look down at Paul and see that he's beginning to stir. Color flushed his face, his eyelids fluttered open, and his skin was no longer cold. A huge smile appears on my face. Paul sits up and he looks over at me. A smile appears on his face too. "Kimberly." He said happily. "Paul, you're alive!" I said excitedly.

I throw my arms around Paul and hug him tighter than ever before. We release each other from the hug, but we don't take our hands off each other. "How do you feel?" I asked. "I feel... stronger! You really saved me, sweetheart!" Said Paul. "It's a good thing I did. I never wanna lose you, Paulie. I love you." I said. "I love you too." Paul said with a smile. He kisses my lips and we stay like that for a long time.

A little while later, Paul drives to the studio while I'm in the car with him. "Your bandmates are gonna be super excited to see that you're cured!" I said. "I know that feeling, love. Also, Brian said that he wants to meet you since he hasn't met you yet." Said Paul. "Brian Epstein?" I asked. "Yep! That's the one." Paul said. We arrived at Abbey Road Studios a few minutes later. As soon as Paul entered the building, his bandmates immediately walk up to him and give him pats on the back.

"Welcome back, Paul!" Said Ringo. "We really missed you!" Said John. "Kimberly really saved you, didn't she?" Asked George. "She certainly did!" Said Paul. "Wait, what?" John said as he raised an eyebrow. George walks over to me and puts his arm on my shoulder. "Care to fill them in?" He asked. "Gladly." I said. "Do you want us to sit down?" Ringo asked. "I would, if you don't mind." I said. John, George, and Ringo sat down in their chairs. Paul stood next to me as I explained the situation.

"Alright, Kimberly, what's this about?" Asked John. I cleared my throat before speaking. "Well, Paul was really weakening from his illness. I sang to him and he died in my arms." I explained. "How horrible!" Said Ringo. "It certainly was. Anyway, George came over a little later and we went out into the forest near mine and Paul's place because I remembered in some movies that some characters get healed after one drop of a healing potion." I continued.

"At first, I didn't believe in that stuff. But now I understand." George said. "Yes. So George and I found a vial buried in the dirt. There was a label that said, "With just one drop, it can cure the sick and injured in minutes!" My two friends, Heather and Teresa were nice enough to watch over Paul while I was out with George. We brought the vial back home and I waited until today to use the stuff because I was tired. Now, voila! Paul is alive and healthy!" I said. "Wow!" John said. "She really saved me, men! She saved my life!" Paul said. "We're very glad she did." Said Ringo.

The door opens a minute later and a well dressed man enters the room. It was probably Brian Epstein, their manager. "Good morning, boys! How is..." He stops when he sees Paul. "Paul! Feeling better I see!" He said. "Thanks to this one right here." Said Paul as he wraps his arm around me. "Are you Brian Epstein?" I asked. "Yes I am. And you must be Kimberly Smith, Paul's girlfriend." Said Brian. "I am. It's very nice to meet you, Brian." I said as I held out my hand. Brian shakes it. "I'm gonna drop Kimberly off at home. I'll be right back." Paul said. Brian nods as we exit the studio.

Paul drives me back to our place. "Alright, love, I'll see you later, okay?" He said. "Okay, sweetheart. Enjoy your first day back." I said. Paul smiles and gives me a quick kiss on my lips. I get out of his car as he drives back to the studio. I walk inside and go into the bedroom. I jump onto the bed and settled down to take a quick nap.

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