Chapter 11 - The Proposal

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Paul's P.O.V.

It felt so good to be back in studio, working with my bandmates, making music, and writing more songs with John! I'm especially glad that Kimberly saved me from my illness! I knew she was the one for me! Anyway, I was thinking of proposing to her after work. Problem is, I don't have a ring with me. But I'm gonna go buy one on my way home from the studio.

Let's get back to reality. My mates and I are on break. We're laughing and joking with each other, which is something we love doing when we're together. We laughed the hardest at a funny story that John recently told. It's always fun to have a good laugh with your friends.

Kimberly's P.O.V.

I woke up from my nap about an hour later. Perfect timing too, since I heard the door open and close. I walked into the living room and saw Paul with his back against the door and sitting on the ground. He also seemed to be breathing heavily. I walked over to him and bent down to his level.

"Paul, sweetie, are you okay?" I asked. His face was covered in sweat again. He didn't answer me right away. "Honey, what's wrong? You're not sick again, are you?" I asked. "I... need... water!" Said Paul weakly. "Okay, I'll get you some water." I said. I grabbed a glass and filled it with water. I brought it over to Paul. "Here you go, sweetheart." I said. "Thanks." Paul said. He drinks his water in one shot.

"Is that better?" I asked. "Yeah. I haven't been drinking water for days. I meant to do so until my illness took over." Said Paul. I stood up and held out my hand for Paul. He takes it and I help him up. "You had me worried for a second, Paulie. I thought your illness was coming back." I said. "It wouldn't dare to come back after you saved me. Which is something I'll never get over." Paul said.

"Huh?" I said as I raised my eyebrow. "You prevented my illness from ever coming back, Kim! You're the reason why I'm stronger than ever and healthy as a horse!" Said Paul. "It's a good thing I did. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Paul. And I couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend." I said.

"You know, there's this one song that John and I just finished and I'd like you to hear it." Paul said. "What song is that?" I asked. "I'll be right back." Said Paul. He goes into our room and grabs his guitar. "Ready?" He asked. "Yes, darling. I'm ready." I said. I pulled up a chair from the dining room table and sat down. Paul tunes his guitar and starts to sing once it's ready.

Oh, oh, you've been good to me
You made me glad when I was blue
And eternally I'll always be in love with you
And all I gotta do is thank you girl
Thank you girl

I could tell the world
A thing or two about our love
I know little girl only a fool would doubt our love
And all I gotta do is thank you girl
Thank you girl

Thank you girl for loving me
The way that you do (way that you do)
That's the kind of love that is too good to be true
And all I gotta do is thank you girl
Thank you girl

Oh, oh, you've been good to me
You made me glad when I was blue
And eternally I'll always be in love with you
And all I gotta do is thank you girl
Thank you girl

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

I clapped for Paul after he finished singing. "I love it, Paul! You and John did such an amazing job with those lyrics!" I said. "It's to thank you for always being there for me whenever I needed you and that I'll always love you." Paul said. He walks over to me and kisses my forehead. "Oh! And there's one more thing I'd like to do." He said. "What's that?" I asked.

I stood up and pushed the chair I was sitting on back towards the table. When I turned around, I noticed that Paul was down on one knee and had a tiny box in his hand. My eyes widened and I smiled real big. "Darling, I absolutely can't thank you enough for saving me from my illness. Now that I'm cured, I can finally ask you this question." Said Paul. Before my very eyes, Paul opened the little box and a beautiful diamond ring was inside. "Oh, Paul!" I said happily. "Kimberly Patricia Smith, will you marry me?" Paul asked. My excitement was about to burst and I couldn't stop smiling. "Oh my god! Yes, YES, YES!!!" I squealed.

Paul takes the ring out of the box and slips it onto my finger. He then wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in for a kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and we stay like this for what seems like forever.

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