Good and Evil fall in love

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Eighteen years ago ...

The evil Sorceress  Belladonna had just used her magic to sneak in the Sliver City Natural History Musuem in search of.

"The jewel of the nile and it's all mine" Belladonna said with a gleeful tone as she stared at the huge Gemstone that was  behind glass.

She recited an spell which made the jewel appear in her hands

"Now I can sell this to the highest bidder so, I can buy the last ingredient that I need for  my potion" Belladonna said as she smiled triumphantly while holding the huge jewel.

"Not so fast evil doer" a voice said from out of nowhere.

"Ah if it isn't my archenemy the Sliver Geek " Belladonna said with venom in her voice.

"It's The Sliver Streak and you know it" Sliver Streak said as he jumped down from the ceiling  to face his foe.

"Yeah Yeah can we please get this over with , I mean seriously we do this every time we fight ,you stop me, you put me back in jail , I escape from jail  rinse and repeat it's not even fun for me  anymore" Belladonna said with a huff .

" Do you think I like putting you in jail"  Sliver Streak asked retorically .

"Well Duhhhh" Belladonna replied with a hand on her hip

"Well for your information I don't , infact  I have so many keys to the city I could open a store" Sliver Streak said

Belladonna laughed a bit at that .

"So, how do you want to spice this routine up Sliver geek " Belladonna asked in a coy tone .

"Well we could get dinner, I know a good diner that's opened 24/7" Sliver Streak suggested with a blush on his face.

Belladonna gave him an are you serious look , then she shrugged.

"Ah what the heck, do they have good pie" Belladonna said she reluctantly put the gem back In the case.

"The best in town"  Sliver Streak answered as the two of them made there way out of the museum.

3rd person POV....

After that first date at the dinner the two of them started to date , a few years later they got married, and a while after that

They had a daughter who they named (Y/N) .

No Longer Neutral (BlackHat X Reader X Flug) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now