A Visit from Mom

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(Key: (Y/n) = Your name ,

(Ymn) = Your middle name

(L/n) = Last name

(B/n)= Brother's name

(H/c)= Hair color

(H/l)= Hair length

(Y/h)= Your height

(F/c) = Favorite color

(F/d) Favorite drink,

(Fst) = Favorite sweet treat.)

A year had passed since (Y/n) started her job with  the BlackHat Organization , and

In that time (Y/n) had started to develop feelings for both her boss and Dr. Flug .

Which gave her butterflies  when ever she was around either of them .

Luckily it was her day off and she was waiting at the Hatsville cafe for someone special to her.

She  was dressed in jeans , sneakers , and a (F/c) shirt  and, her (H/l)  (H/c) hair was down.

Then with a puff of Purple smoke that someone appeared.

"Hey Mom" (Y/n) said with a smile as  got up from her seat totally unfazed by her mom's entrance.

"Hello My darling daugher" Belladonna greeted before she hugged (Y/n) tightly 

while (Y/n) naturally hugged back .

The two of them then sat down as their drinks arrived at the table.

"So darling I heard through the villainous grape vine that you're working for the BlackHat Organization is that true dear"

Belladonna asked her daughter in a serious tone  as she used  her magic to stir her tea.

"It's true Mom I was desperate for a job and Mr. BlackHat was hiring" (Y/n) replied in a sad tone worried that her mom would be disappointed in her.

" That's wonderful news darling I always  knew that you had an evil side sweetie" Belladonna said in a gleeful tone.

"Mom I'm only Mr.Blackhat's assistant, part time maid , and part time lab assistant to his evil Scientist Dr.Flug so, I'm not doing anything THAT  evil (Y/n) said in a defensive tone.

Before she took a sip of (F/d)

"Hmmm if you say so darling"  Belladonna said before she took a sip of her tea.

"So changing the subject how are  Dad and (B/n)" (Y/n) asked in a curious tone

"They're both doing good" Belladonna replied with a smile.

"Is (B/n) training going well" (Y/n) asked with a smile .

"As well as you would expect with a preteen with superpowers  but, at least he's practically indestructible  and your father is a patient teacher" Belladonna replied .

"Give them my love" (Y/n) said with a smile .

"I will , but speaking of love I sense that you have feelings for  someone and don't lie to me darling a mother always knows" Belladonna said with a smirk .

"Okay I do have slight feelings for both Mr.Blackhat and Dr. Flug , oh Mom what do I do" (Y/n) said with a blush as she hid in her hands.

"Calm down darling, you know I had the exact same problem when I was in college" Belladonna said with a gentle smile .

"Really you did " (Y/n) said as she came out from behind her hands.

" I did darling  you know what I did" Belladonna said

"What did you do mom" (Y/n) asked in a curious tone.

"Nothing darling I let them come to me" Belladonna said with a smirk

"Uh what you're saying is that I should do nothing and let them come to me if they feel the same way that I do for them" (Y/n) replied .

"Exactly darling" Belladonna said with a smile.

"Okay then I'll try" (Y/n) said as she bit into (Fst) .

No Longer Neutral (BlackHat X Reader X Flug) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now