What do I have to lose

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(Key: (h/l) =Hair length , (e/c) = eye color , (h/c) = Hair color , (y/n) = your name , (l/n) = last name .)

Present day...

'Ugh could this day get any worse' (Y/N) bitterly thought as she walked down the streets of Hatsville .

Then it started to rain and (Y/N) screamed loudly which destroyed some street lights .

The reason that (Y/N) was so peaved was because she lost her job at the Diner that she working at , and her landlord evicted her from her apartment .

(Y/N) took a deep breath to calm herself down because the last thing she wanted to do was draw attention to herself.

So, she used the magic that she inherited from her mom and fixed the lights that her powers that she inherited from her dad destroyed.

"What am I going to do " (Y/N) said in a sad tone as she felt tears start to fall  down her face.

Then her phone started to ring so, she dug it out of her pocket .

The number was unknown but, she answered it anyway.

"Uh Hello" (y/n) said in a apperhensive tone .

"Hello Miss (l/n) , I'm aware that your are in need of a job it just so happens that I'm hiring for a position in my organization" A raspy but, alluring voice said on the other end .

"H-How do you know that I need a job" (y/n) asked in a scared tone .

"Simple Miss (l/n) I know everything that goes on in my city" The voice replied.

"W-Who are you" (Y/N) asked in a wavering tone.

"I am simply known as BlackHat so, are you interested in working for my organization roojm and Board he included and you will be payed weekly" he replied

"Yes I'll join your organization" (y/n)  said in a melancholy tone.

"Splendid I'll send a car to bring you to my mansion see you soon my dear" BlackHat said before he hung up.

'welp I'm now employed by  the most evil  Villian in the world , but at least I'm not homeless and jobless anymore so, there's that'
(Y/N) thought

Then  a black limo  with BlackHat's logo pulled up beside her she got in and she saw that a robot was driving the limo .

They drove though the night and promptly arrived at BlackHat's hat shaped mansion most likely because the robot didn't obey the traffic laws  .

BlackHat himself wanted to greet his new employee but when hatbot opened the limo door he saw that she was fast asleep.

He could've yelled at her to wake up but he couldn't bring himself to do it because she looked so peaceful so, showing rare kindness he gently picked her up and carried her bridal style to her new room.

'She's kinda cute when she's asleep' BlackHat thought as he laid her on her bed .

He then left the room to do  paperwork .

The next morning (y/n) had no idea how she got to her new room but, she just shrugged it off .

She got up from her bed and got  dressed in her uniform that hanging in her closet .

She got up from her bed and got  dressed in her uniform that hanging in her closet

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Along with the matching black  tights and black and red Mary Jane shoes .

She brushed her (h/l) (h/c) hair and left it down (or put it in a ponytail if you have long hair) .

(y/n) then followed the smell of pancakes to the kitchen / dining room.

Where she was greeted by the sight of her new co-workers a big blue bear with a flower coming out of his head.

And a tall but, lanky man wearing a paper bag with goggles over his  head .

"Uh hi I'm the new employee" (y/n) greeted awkwardly.

No Longer Neutral (BlackHat X Reader X Flug) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now